Dairy Sow Returns to Senegal After Alleged Disappearance


Dairy Sow recently returned to Senegal after her alleged disappearance. She had been studying at a prestigious Parisian school, St Louis-le-Grand, in France. Earlier this year, Mrs. Sow’s disappearance sparked tension among her country, family, and institution. People were concerned as the 20-year-old went missing after the festive season.

Who is Dairy Sow?

Dairy Sow is an intellectual Senegalese national, aged 20 years studying in France. The young lady is a bright and talented novelist. Her very first novel, titled “Sous le visage d’un ange,” meaning under the face of an angel, came out last year. The book narrates the story of a young lady who becomes insatiable because of her ambition. Senegalese describe her as their best student. Mrs. Sow won several national academic prizes and thus got a scholarship to study abroad.

She was a second-year pre-University Student at the Parisian High. She continued with her spirit of excellence even after getting the scholarship. Her colleagues attested to her punctuality and hardworking nature. Henry Sarr, a member of the Senegalese student’s association, had stated that Mrs. Sow was a very serious and punctual student. Henry was among the first people to raise alarms upon realizing that Mrs. Sow had gone missing.

How Did People React to Sow’s Disappearance?

Social media was buzzing with mixed comments when it went viral that Mrs. Sow was missing. Her parents and friends were worried. They even contacted the Embassy, trying to gather information on what happened to Mrs. Sow.

“Not even her parents or her friends, guardian or the embassy have had any news,” a member of the Senegalese community in Paris – Daouda Mbaye who organized distribution of leaflets appealing for information at the weekend – told AFP.

The Government of France opened an investigation into Mrs. Sow’s disappearance, hoping to find out exactly what happened to her. Many other people had joined in the search, distributing leaflets written missing. French police officers also conducted searches at the university residence where Sow was staying and also her neighborhood. They even looked into her internet browsing history and bank account.

Dairy Sow Was not Lost

After several days of worry, Mrs. Sow came out, stating that she was not lost. It’s just that he had taken a break from everyone. She assured all those concerned that she was okay and apologized to her friends, family, and country for causing unrest. The Senegalese consulate in Paris also affirmed that Mrs. Sow was safe and sound. The Senegalese government also stated that Sow was old enough to make her own decisions. I.e., she could come to Senegal anytime she wanted to.

People Exprexx their Worry When She Goes Missing?

Last year, reports of abductions had been on the rise. Therefore, when news made rounds that Dairy had gone missing, the concern was overwhelming. In most cases, when persons disappear, the next time they resurface either dead or abused. And in some cases, they do not reappear at all. There are also instances when their kidnappers demand a ransom. More so, since Mrs. Dairy became a student in a foreign nation, the possibilities of her abduction or abused remained high, especially in case she found herself lost in the streets.



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