Dairy Sow, a Senegal Student Disappears in France


Many African Scholars opt to study abroad by seeking scholarships from International Institutions. In cases where the applicants qualify, they jubilate and pledge to explore the opportunities to the fullest. This is because learners view the Universities abroad as the best standards with exceptional opportunities for everyone. However, while abroad, some of these scholars are faced with unending financial challenges. As such, they opt to drop out to raise their accommodation fees and sometimes learning costs. And this usually marks the turning point in such students’ lives, for it’s then that some join bad companies, lose contact with their families, and disappear. This article focuses on Dairy Sow, a Senegalese student who disappeared while studying in France.

Dairy Sow Gone Missing

Dairy Sow, a Senegalese nationality, went missing after Christmas Holidays last year. Her disappearance has sparked mixed reactions from her parents, Senegalese, and the officials at the France Institution she attended. Her school administration rendered her missing after she failed to show up after her school opened.

The school officials reported that the 20-year-old young lady had been missing since the 4th of January 2020. The saddening news of Sow’s disappearance has caused unrest in both France and Senegal. Sow missing is an unlikely incident, mostly as she was a disciplined, talented, hardworking girl. Her academic records back her intelligence in Senegal through the numerous national literary awards she received back in her home country. She was the best student in Senegal and one of the few African scholars to have published a novel.

In France, Mrs. Sow went to Paris School and was a second-year pre-university student. Her presence in Paris School is attributable to the scholarship she received because of her excellent grades in her previous school.

“She is a punctual, earnest student, and the alert was given quickly. Nobody saw her, and we did not find her in her apartment,” Henry Sarr, member of an association of Senegalese students who launched appeals on social media networks, told AFP news agency.

Reactions on Dairy Sow’s Disappearance

No one knows the mystery behind Mrs. Sow’s disappearance. I.e., not even her parents, guardians, or the embassies. Her parents are consumed with worry back home as they wonder what might have occurred to their daughter. Douda Mbaye, a member of the Senegalese Community in Paris, organized the distribution of leaflets appealing to Mrs. Sow’s whereabouts.

Similarly, the government of Senegal called upon social media to help in finding Mrs. Sow. Several French celebrities, including actor Omar Sy, shared the appeal on Sow’s search on his Instagram and Twitter account, hoping to mobilize more people to assist in the investigation.

Government of France Responds to Dairy Sow Disappearance

France has opened investigations on the case of the missing Senegalese girl. The authorities are hoping to discover the girl’s whereabouts soon. Thierno Laye Fall, the President of the Federation of Senegalese Students and Trainees in France, urged the French authorities to tighten their belts as they search for the missing girl. He also added that they were doing anything necessary to find her as they could not risk losing such a brilliant and young woman who could serve Senegal and the whole world.



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