Coronavirus Rapid Test Kits to be Made in Senegal


The World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus, a virus that emerged from China, Wuhan, as being pandemic. They enlighten people around the world on the virus syndromes and how to scale down its delivery.

Number of Coronavirus grow in Italy

The most disturbed country is Italy, a European state. Its death toll reads at 1016, while cases go up to 15,113.

The regions suffering is a total number of 80, and the African states are putting tight controls at its entrance stages. The world reports 4600 people are deceased; it infects 126000 and corresponding to Johns Hopkins University, 68000 victims have healed.

Portugal shuts down all the discos and schools to control the spread of the Coronavirus. 

In Bulgaria, a state of emergency over the illness is on, whereas in Costa Rica orders all the tertiary institutions to be closed.

Wuhan Zall’s team

Wuhan Zall’s team is to leave the training camp in the state of Spain to return to their country. India and Egypt report its first case of death from the deadly virus. Donovan Mitchell Of Utah has tested positive of Coronavirus.

In Iran, the supreme leader called Ayatullah, is a victim of the novel Coronavirus.

Coronavirus is in African countries too with South Africa recording 16 cases. 

Algeria has closed all schools following its first death evidence from the disease, while Ghana allocates huge sums of money to help in the control of the COVID19 in their country.

They report a second death case from Africa after a Moroccan patient dies. 

The DRC has put up quarantine measures for its citizens from the nations that have had cases of Coronavirus.

In East Africa, they warn Kenya from spreading fake news concerning the disease. No cases in the region yet. 

Senegal Partners With The United Kingdom To Invent A New Corona Virus Testing Kit. 

Mologic, a UK based laboratory, is collaborating with the scientists from Senegal to come up with a kit for testing coronavirus. It produces the results faster. 

The device is to be unique because it is the 1st one developed in the United Kingdom. They manufacture the device in Senegal, an African country.

The testing kit is special since it neither requires detailed laboratory analysis to give answers.

Mologic is in collaboration with five research firms and Pasteur institute to certify the kit. 

Joe Fitchett, Mologic Medical Director, claims that they should make the tools available to people’s homes and to people with very low-income regions to bring an end to the dangerous outbreak.

“Rapid detection of the disease is important to stop its spread it pleases us that the UK government has acknowledged this, supporting Mologic and the work of our partners to prevent further outbreaks internationally,” says Fitchet.



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