African Female-Headed Youth Accounting Firm Set on Rooting Out Corruption


Ask any African youth why there is little development in their country. The first response will be corruption. There is a high level of corruption in Africa countries, which has reduced its transition from third world continent to a developed Africa. The largest content in the world has plenty of resources; a lot of youth, power, and labor. However, poor governance and greed among those in authority have made Africa sit on its legs when it comes to development.

South African female-headed youth accounting firm prepared to fight corruption.

According to Watchdog Corruption Reports, more than half the South African citizens think corruption and shady business in the country are on the rise. A worrying trend has prompted one Port Elizabeth accounting firm to take a serious turn to improve transparency. Moreover, clear paths in dark business and contracts in business and tax filing in the country.

Ncumisa Nodaka started Ncumisa Chartered Accountant and Auditors four years down the line to bring light in the darkness that revolved money handling. The firm is the first of only a black-owned accounting firm with six females and one male staff located in the Eastern Cape.

The role of the firm in building honest business deals 

The firm is working on realizing its primary goal of empowering young black women. Its passionate and dedicated staff are striving to bring a greater impact in South Africa by supporting local individuals, small and big businesses, and building ties with communities who make part of their strong client base. The accounting firm majors in providing services like Audit, Tax, Accounting, Consulting, and business solutions to small and medium-sized business enterprises and Government organizations in S.A.

According to the founder, the call for clean business dealings is not only right for their clients but a significant step to stabilizing the shaking economy.

“Transparent accounting and tax practice are drivers of economic growth and transformation. Those who try to cheat the system or do so without realizing due to lack of knowledge inadvertently hurt themselves and others in the long run.”

Nodaka Ncumisa’s views are resonated by the Transparency International 2019 reports, highlighting how the worst corruption and business crimes can affect economic growth and interfere with socio-economic changes.

South Africa’s corruption ranking is coming at 70th position out of 180 countries in 2019. Transparency International’s Global corruption report for Africa shows how corruption has increased in S.A. And the blames is thrown at the accounting and auditing professionals who the ones are promoting these money scandals.

The call to teach ethics and transparency in the country

Corruption is an enemy of progress. The worst of it is when services are compromised, and the poor are languishing in poverty, and the rich continue to take in more wealth. Poor infrastructure, poor health, flawed education system, to mention a few, are the excellent primary reasons to fight corruption.

To restore public trust, it is the duty of the accountant firms like Ncumisa Chartered Accountant and Auditors to uphold and teach good ethics and transparency. It takes strict rules and guidelines and personal will to root out corruption.

“An accountant pretty much knows you naked – the most intimate details about your cash flow and finances,”

Nodaka says.

“That is why we are committed to educating our clients and providing services that contribute to a more transparent local economy.”




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