Africa countries fight against coronavirus


Is coronavirus in Africa?

Africa content is yet to receive any case on the new coronavirus. However, the governments are stepping up to see the virus will not spread. Experts fear that the underdeveloped countries are at risk if the epidemic hits them. This is because of insufficient resources to fight it.

The medical personnel has stationed the airports and seaports to check on the traveler’s temperature. A small thermal camera was seen at the passport control in Dakar. “the first symptom of these contagious diseases is fever. “doctor Barnabe Gning who is the head of the health check-up at Blaise Diagne de Diass airport. If by any chance fever is detected, that person gets isolated soon after the tested gets carried out.

In a sitting in Switzerland, on 30th Jan 2020, WHO termed the outbreak as an “international emergency.” The disease has spread from China to other countries in Asia and Europe.  So far, the disorders have claimed two hundred and fifty plus lives.

“our greatest concern is the likelihood that the virus can spread to countries with weaker health systems,” director of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said while in Geneva.

Lessons from the Ebola outbreak.

  1. Stephen Morrison’s director at the Center for Strategic International Studies further said that the risk of transmissions in developed countries is very minimal. The experts also fear that, if case exportation from china to some Africa countries, the outbreak will break. This is going because they limit health security means.

The case of Ebola, which broke in the year 2014, is an example of how such disease can do.  The epidemic left 11,300 people who died in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and guinea. Ebola further killed 2200 people after it reappeared in DRC in August 2018.

Africa governments’ efforts

In its efforts, Liberian’s head of the public health in states Mr. Mosok Falah called for immediate measure implementations at the cost of $3M.” measure must be taken as soon as possible to prevent this from coming back here,” Mosoka told the parliament. In Mauritian, the embassy has requested those who had recently returned from China to remain in their homes. Nigeria’s health minister has also issued a similar notice.

Further, there is the closure of Chinese food outlets in Abuja, Nigeria. In Mozambique, the government suspended the visa issuance to Chinese citizens.

“for the same purpose, visas for Mozambicans swishing to travel to China are also suspended until the situation normalizes.” Helena Khida, who is the government spokeswoman, explained.

Extra effort. Director of the African Centre for disease control and prevention. Mr. John Nkengsong said that Countries like Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Morocco, which has close ties with China, a special effort surveillance would be done. A journalist in Botswana pointed out that they should avoid Chinese shops as much as possible.

An Angolan student Mr. Anciao Fabiao Paulo noted that” It’s a goner.” If the coronavirus enters the country. “Our health system is vulnerable, and we don’t have the right specialist. People are already dropping like flies because of malaria.”



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