5 Things to Know Before The Stock Markets Opens Monday.


Dow Set To Jump At Monday’s Stock Markets.

The region of Europe has experienced an intense effect of the coronavirus, especially the United States, which has many cases and casualties. The stock markets in the region were not doing well as they recorded poor performance at the beginning of this pandemic.

However, the state of coronavirus is now better off and this gives hope to the United States. The Dow Jones is experiencing over 800 points gain in today’s opening. Stocks are to support the clues that Russia and Saudi Arabia may close an oil production deal.

Last week, the Dow Jones fell over 355 points topping its 3rd bad week and driving the blue chips at a fall of over 28%. During the periods of March 23rd to 27th, the Dow Jones had the best gain since the 1930s.

Jamie Dimon, the chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, wrote, “we have the resources to come up from this crisis as a better state.”

He adds on and says that a worse recession and financial stress is inevitable. Dimon compares the current situation with the 2008 worldwide financial disaster.

Oil Off Lows On Hope For Saudi Arabia-Russian Deal.

They declined the West Texas crude oil by 2% today and well-off periods fall of over 8.8%. Kirill Dmitriev, chief executive officer of Russia’s RDIF, says that Riyadh and Moscow were near an output diminution deal.

West Texas Intermediate continued over 48% of its 1-year top in 2019. WTI is the same that rose close to over 30% during the previous week on indications of a Saudi-Russian settlement deal.

Donald Trump, the president of the United States, echoed to put tariffs on the oil imports. However, he says, “I do not believe I will need to do so.”

The United States Faces Hardest coronavirus Week Yet As Defined By The Trump’s Administration.

The United States coronavirus cases are over 330000. Statistics show that the US has the most cases in the world than even when Italy and Spain cases are all together. The death toll reads at 9653 and New York City records most of the deaths and coronavirus cases tagging it as a hotspot in America.

Donald Trump organized over 900 medical persons to go into the city to help in fighting the coronavirus crisis. He also gave hope to the Americans by saying he will use great strategies in fighting the pandemic and the curve will fall and flatten.


Europe’s Hot Spots Possibly Leveling Off.

The world coronavirus case is over a million, with over 70000 deaths and over 200000 recoveries. The US is still experiencing a rise of new infections and new deaths while in Italy, Spain, Germany, and France are improving. Italy’s death toll is over 15000, and in Spain, it is over 13000. Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom Pm, got hospitalized last Sunday for further tests of the COVID-19.

The New York Times reports that over 400,000 people landed in the land of the United States on flights from China. We know China to be the epicenter of this virus.

Apple Aims To Make 1 Million Face Shields Per Week And Donates 20 Million N95 Masks To Firms In Need.

Since the cases of coronavirus rose, some protective gear such as masks is in shortage. Medical professionals such as doctors complain that by not having these protective gear, they are in danger of contracting COVID-19. They also said they do not wish to pass the virus to other people and their loved ones.

Several medical and tech organizations around the world are helping people in fighting the disease. For example, Tim Cook, the chief executive officer of Apple, is in this combat. He said in a video last week that the company is helping in the production of face shields for medical assistants.



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