Zimbabweans are clamoring for vaccinations due to a shortage


Zimbabweans in Harare queued for hours to be vaccinated against COVID-19 outside one of the capital’s biggest clinics, but many reported there were no vaccines available.

Andrew Ngwenya and his family went approximately 11 kilometers (7 miles) from their home to Parirenyatwa, a large referral hospital with doses available on a limited basis.

He claimed that he arrived at the hospital at 8 a.m. one day and had injected less than 30 people by noon.

Later in the day, nurses advised people to go home and try again the next day.

He remarked, “The line is about 5 kilometers long (about 3 miles).”

“Even if you’re interested in a jab, you can’t stand it,” he added.

Despite their preference for immunizations, Ngwenya, a part-time pastor of a Pentecostal church, and his flock are now praying for divine intervention.

Clayton Guta, a Harare resident, described the situation as “dire.”

“Imagine a major hospital without vaccines; it’s terrifying, and people are dying.”

Mike Muromba claimed he arrived at the hospital at 3 a.m., was sixth in line, and was informed by 8 a.m. that there was no vaccine.

“They say the vaccine hasn’t arrived,” he explained, “but we’ve read in the news (local newspapers) that there are enough of vaccines in the country and that they’re being distributed across the country in all provinces.”

In over 14 African countries, including Zimbabwe, the delta variant is quickly spreading.

To combat a comeback of COVID-19, the country was compelled to return to strict lockdown restrictions earlier this month due to vaccine shortages.

In June, infection rates soared despite a night curfew, reduced business hours, targeted lockdowns in hotspot sites, and a prohibition on inter-city travel.

The virus has spread to rural areas with few health services.

At least one dose of the vaccine has been given to 9 percent of Zimbabwe’s 15 million people, with 3.7 percent receiving two doses.

Less than 2% of Africa’s 1.3 billion people have received at least one vaccine, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



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