Long Road Ahead: Yemen Marks Nine Years of Conflict, Justice Still a Distant Hope

Yemen Marks Nine Years of Conflict, Justice Still a Distant Hope
©Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images

Yemen Marks Nine Years of Conflict, Justice Still a Distant Hope

Amnesty International has reiterated its call for the establishment of an independent international accountability mechanism to address the serious violations of international law and human rights abuses in Yemen. On the ninth anniversary of the conflict, the organization highlights the ongoing suffering of millions of Yemenis due to the failure of parties to the conflict to provide justice and redress for victims.

Despite a de facto ceasefire leading to a reduction in hostilities compared to previous years, unlawful attacks, killings, and restrictions on aid delivery persist. Amnesty International emphasizes that Yemen faces one of the worst humanitarian crises globally, exacerbated by recent military escalations following airstrikes on Huthi targets by the US and UK.

The organization’s documentation reveals a climate of widespread impunity in Yemen, enabling perpetrators to commit human rights violations with impunity, including arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, torture, and unfair trials. Human rights defenders, journalists, and critics are particularly vulnerable to such abuses.

Amnesty International underscores the necessity of an independent international accountability mechanism to ensure criminal accountability and provide effective redress to victims, thereby breaking the cycle of impunity. Without accountability, the international community not only fails Yemeni victims but also perpetuates a climate of impunity that extends beyond Yemen.

Yemen continues to grapple with one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with millions displaced, in need of humanitarian assistance and protection, and facing food and nutrition insecurity. The dissolution of the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen (GEE) in 2021 has left a significant gap in impartial and independent investigative efforts, further underscoring the need for an international accountability mechanism.

In response to these challenges, Yemeni civil society organizations and victims’ associations launched the Yemen Declaration for Justice and Reconciliation in July 2023, emphasizing the importance of a post-conflict justice process to address the grievances of the Yemeni people.


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