Workable Tweaks to Reduce Food Scarcity in Libya


The primary causes of food scarcity in Libya are drought and internal conflicts resulting from the distribution of resources. Also, the insufficiency of food is attributed to the fact that the country is a desert. Notes to the United Nations, Libya mainly depends on humanitarian aid to feed its citizens.

Harsh climatic conditions and conflicts limit agricultural production and lender it impossible to practice irrigation. As it is, Libya imports over $8 billion worth of foodstuff and other essentials. The main export from the country is crude oil which represents 87%, according to the Economic Complexity of Libya. Below are some workable solutions that can reduce food scarcity in Libya.

  1. Food Security Monitoring

Although Libya has a UN-backed government, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) monitors and identifies areas with food shortages.  In the same vein, FAO is responsible for responding and offering necessary assistance whenever diseases and pests attack farms or animals. This oversights of issues related to food security have been of significant help.

Nevertheless, stakeholders ought to focus more on identifying root causes and shortfalls leading to food shortage. For example, one of the leading stimuli of prevalent animal diseases in Libya comes from unmonitored border entries.

Consequently, septic animals from neighboring countries such as Algeria, Chad, Sudan and Tunisia often find their way easily into Libya. All routes leading in Libya ought to have personnel overseeing and scrutinizing newcomers. Sick animals should be separated from the lot and possibly treated.

  1. Increasing Local Food Production

Libya is dependent on the importation of cereals from other countries to feed its people. Even so, local farmers produce a fair share of dairy products, fruits, vegetables, fish, and meat. However, during conflicts, food production shrinks, posing hardship to poor dwellers. To curb food insecurity, the UN-backed government should intensify its fight against rebels.  It also ought to take the initiative to provide farmers with agricultural inputs freely or at fair prices.

In the same breath, there should be an intense provision of training on the current productive agronomic activities to citizens. The country ought to take up irrigation seriously like its neighbor Egypt. Still, the Liberian government should put more focus on drought-resistant crops such as millet, green gram, and cowpea. Achieving this would not only make Libya have sufficient food but would also reduce imports and boost the livelihood of locals. Again it would ensure youths become productive and not end up rebels.

  1. Curbing Stemming Losses

Libya being an arid nation, it often suffers infestation by destructive desert locusts, especially after the rainy season. Also, there are frequent outbreaks of pests that wipe-out crops. As a result, Liberians, with the help of the UN-backed government should device nifty mechanisms to control the spread of pests. It again ought to move with speed to conduct aerial splaying every time there is an outbreak of desert locusts. Still, the government should enhance its preparedness to carry out timely surveys and warn farmers of the likelihood of any epidemics.

Wrapping up, by 2050, rainfall intervals may drop by over 10% in Sub Saharan Africa. The desert climate may also intensify, and unpredictable floods become prevalent. These are clear reasons why Libya needs to arm itself moving forward.  Nevertheless, acting on the above pointers, Libya would have a high chance of reclaiming its dignity. But again, first, conflicts and radicalization of the militia must be dealt with right off.  Also, funders such as the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organizations, and other humanitarian entities ought to increase support in Libya.





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