WHO Warns of Severe Risk of Mass Starvation in Sudan Regions

WHO Warns of Severe Risk of Mass Starvation in Sudan Regions
[1/2]Displaced Sudanese families wait to receive food from a charity kitchen, as a year of war between Sudan's army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has driven more than 8.5 million people from their homes, in the city of Omdurman, Sudan, April 6, 2024. REUTERS/El Tayeb Siddig/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

(Reuters) – Geneva, June 12 – The continued turmoil in Sudan poses a significant threat of mass hunger, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Millions of people are in danger because of the increasing violence, which has severely limited access to medical treatment.

In April 2023, the unrest started in Khartoum and quickly spread across the country. The western Darfur region has seen a resurgence of ethnic violence, which has displaced millions of people.

“People are dying from a lack of access to essential services and medicines, while there is a very real risk of mass starvation in some regions,” remarked Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization.

The Effects on Healthcare Facilities

The healthcare infrastructure of Sudan has been severely damaged by the fighting. There are seventy percent of hospitals that are not operating in areas affected by conflict, and forty-five percent of hospitals in five other states that are also closed. Patients are flooding the few remaining facilities.

Health care for mothers and children, treatment for chronic diseases, and the control of severe acute malnutrition are among the essential services that have been suspended in numerous areas.

Famine Imminent, Warns U.N.

The impending famine in Sudan has prompted worries from UN organizations. There is severe malnutrition affecting 3.6 million children, and 18 million people are facing acute hunger. The United Nations has declared this humanitarian disaster to be the worst displacement crisis in history, and it is just getting worse. Two million more have sought sanctuary in neighboring countries, bringing the total number of displaced persons in Sudan to around ten million.

A Critical Humanitarian Emergency

Millions of Sudanese people are going without food, water, and a safe place to live because of the catastrophic humanitarian situation. The suffering of the Sudanese people has been intensified due to the disruption of healthcare services and supply lines.

The continuing violence is making it difficult for international organizations to provide relief. In order to deliver vital services and avoid additional casualties, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other United Nations agencies are urging for an early end to hostilities and unfettered access to the impacted areas.

Urge Worldwide Backing

It is imperative that the world community reacts swiftly to this catastrophe. To alleviate suffering and prevent further deterioration of the situation, it is important to increase humanitarian relief, enhance diplomatic efforts to broker peace, and provide long-term support for rebuilding Sudan’s hospital system.

In summary

There is a grave danger of mass famine and the collapse of vital healthcare services as a direct consequence of the violence and displacement caused by the conflict in Sudan. Responding to this humanitarian catastrophe and providing aid to the people of Sudan requires immediate and strong action from the international community.


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