Who Are the Most Influential People in Africa?


Time’s magazine carried out research to determine who the most influential Africans are. The list constituted of top leaders, icons, artists, sportspeople, and Titans. Africa is on the rise, and more people are on the map for achieving different milestones. Time’s Magazine narrowed down this list to only five influential African people who have left an indelible mark in the continent. They include Fred Swaniker, Aby Ahmed, Cyril Ramaphosa, Caster Semenya, and Mohammed Salah.

  1. 1. Fred Swaniker

  2. Fred Swaniker, a Ghanaian entrepreneur and business tycoon, works tirelessly to tap the potential of the young people in business development. The youth comprise of 60% of Africa’s population, and by 2021 it’s estimated that the half of Africa’s population will be the youth. Therefore, there’s a need in leading the youth to economic stability. Fred has been on the limelight for establishing education initiatives for the youths. This is in efforts to empower them all round so that they can author their own success stories. Such initiatives are such as the African Leadership Academy, the African Leadership Network, and the African Leadership University. These initiatives plan to educate 3 million young leaders. Fred Swaniker is also set to take Africa to the next level by instilling the leaders of the next generation with knowledge and skills that help them make wise decisions for development.

2. Dr. Aby Ahmed

Dr. Aby Ahmed is an intelligent leader and also the Ethiopian Prime Minister. He is so determined to change the culture of Ethiopia’s politics. Aby emphasizes unity, peace, and harmony. His continuous efforts to cultivate oneness of the African people proved fruitful when he managed to end the 20 years war between Eritrea and Ethiopia. There before, people used to be thrown to jail for protesting, but now people are free to protest without any police officer arresting them. This is what we call democracy. Aby Ahmed is ready to fight for more freedom to the Ethiopia people so that they can get economic empowerment.

3. Cyril Ramaphosa

The 66-year-old South African president has promised to end corruption by all means during his tenure. His most important agenda in line with ending corruption is reducing the unemployment rate, which remains the biggest challenge in South Africa. Cyril will also ensure that poverty levels have gone down as well as gender inequality. Despite the frequent fights in his African National Congress party that makes him vulnerable to quit, Cyril is more determined in uniting the people no matter how long it takes, as evident in one of his recent statements, ” Unity was never going to happen overnight.”

4. Mohamed Salah

Egypt boasts of a professional footballer by the name Mohamed Salah. He plays as a forward in Liverpool and Egypt’s national team as well. Mo Salah is one humble sportsman who is never carried away by the accolades he receives from his status and success. The enthusiastic and funny player does his thing with so much zeal that you can’t help but admire him. The joy he exhumes while playing football is what inspires the young people in following his footsteps. Mohamed Salah is among the icons who have brought the African continent on the forefront, more so Egypt.

5. Caster Semenya

Caster Semenya is a Soth African Olympic track-and-field champion who has won the World champions severally. The controversial sports star has had to fight hard for balance in the sports arena, which is believed to be male-dominated. Semenya identifies as a woman, but her high levels of testosterone have brought questions about her excellence in sports. Through this challenge, Caster Semenya is up for the task to prove to the society that her gender characteristics have nothing to do with her greatness in sports. The talented sports star wins all the time in the female contests, and this has made her opponents claim that she is more advantaged as a man but not a woman. Caster Semenya has not allowed this to let her down. Even if it means filing a case against them!



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