What Might Have Triggered Political Difference In Ethiopia?


Tensions between the Federal and Regional governments in Ethiopia have been on the rise for the last couple of months. The recent attack which involved the TPLF attacking the military base of the federal army sparked mixed reactions among Ethiopians. Following this unprecedented attack, Prime Minister Abiy declared a state of Emergency in the Tigray region as punishment.

The situation in Ethiopia has attracted the attention of many. Experts predict the possibility of a deteriorating situation. Mainly since the government officials are nowhere close to reconciliation. Their enmity is thriving into a monster. After the recent attack, Mr. Abiy declared war on the TPLF. He stated that since they wanted war; the battle was on. TPLF and the Federal government have encountered several confrontations where most of them are ignited by TPLF. Mr. Abiy feels the regional government has never acknowledged his government.

The Onset Of The Political Tension in Ethiopia

The differences between the Federal government and regional began back in 2018 when Mr. Abiy became the head of state. He disbanded the EPRD, which for many years had been the leading power structure for politics in Ethiopia. Out of all the political parties in Ethiopia, EPRD had the most power and influence. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front was at the peak of this powerful party.

Therefore, upon replacing EPRD with Prosperity Party, leaders from TPLF were angered and so refused to support the new party. Mr. Abiy started to eliminate them from the ruling party, government agencies, and the military. The TPLF officials then resorted to formulating their government.

The Tigray officials retreated to Makele, which is the capital of Tigray, and called on the people to join them in opposing the government. They built strong relationships and gathered vehement opposition against Prime Minister Abiy. Critics alleged the Tigray party had trained militias and supplied them with ammunition to prepare for war.

In 2018, Prime Minister Ahmed almost died amid a bomb last while he was addressing his supporters during a rally in Addis Ababa. Rumors are the Tigray party had staged the ambush, hoping to assassinate the PM.

Political Crisis Escalate

The political differences probably surged in August when the Federal government decided to postpone the August elections. The opposition parties slammed the decision as the ruling party was using the pandemic to extend their reign. Most of all, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front threatened to hold their elections. They said that they wouldn’t forsake the people’s right to vote just to please the authoritative leaders of Addis Ababa. The Tigray party held regional elections in the Tigray region and formed its government.

It was then that the enmity between the two worsened. Since then, the two parties have been conflicting.

In an attempt to intervene in the Ethiopian conflict, Human Rights demanded the Federal government to lift the restrictions it imposed in Tigray. The Rights Group urged the head of the state to reach out to the opposition and meditate. Hopefully, the tensions in Ethiopia will end.




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