Virus-Free Lesotho Rolls Out Socio-Economic Interventions.


Since the coronavirus found its way to the African region, the numbers of cases and deaths have been rising. Countries all over the continent are coming up with measures to mitigate the impacts of the outbreak. Virus-free Lesotho rolls out socio-economic interventions.

Some of these measures are closing down the countries’ borders and others are under lockdown to restrict the movement of people. Economic and trade limitations are among the impacts of the coronavirus disease.

Most countries around the world are coming up with measures to save their economy from collapsing further. Some are offering relief funds for its people while others reduce the rates of the banks to ease peoples’ financial burden.

South Africa has the most cases of coronavirus in the continent. The government advises the citizens to maintain their best in following the measures to control the spread of the disease within the country.

As of now, the number of cases in the continent is over 15000 while the death toll reads at 835. The total number of recoveries is over 2600 and 52 out of the 54 countries have cases of the coronavirus.

Lesotho and Comoros Covid-19 situation

Lesotho and Comoros, an island nation, are the two countries that do not have any cases of the coronavirus. However, the question is? How did these two countries manage to have zero cases of COVID-19 despite the increasing numbers?

Tom Thabane, The Prime Minister, Rolls Out Economic Intermediation Methods To Mitigate The Effects.

Despite the zero cases of coronavirus in the country, the prime minister is implementing measures in advance. The Lesotho government assigns a budget for a DRF and relief funds for the private portion.

The country is also negotiating with the EU and the World Bank for help just like how other African states are doing. These measures put forward are to cater to both the private and public sectors of the economy.

Banks in the country are to review their rules like the reduction of interest rates and extension of loan payments. These revisions are meant to reduce the economy’s pressure during these challenging times. Telecommunication firms are also to reduce their interest rates significantly.

Other Measures Put Forward

The budget allocation comprised of a disaster relief fund of 698 million, a relief fund for the private sector was 500 million. Besides, agriculture provision was 100 million, 90-days donations for people under 70 years, orphans and informal merchants.

The informal merchants will not incur fees during the lockdown. Tax-paying businesses will receive payment limit prolongation until late September. Furthermore, there will be a reduction in mobile cash interest rates.

In the employment sector, over 40000 factory laborers will receive a 90-day grant of over M750 every month. The international students within or outside the SADC movement will get more payments of 90 days.

The ones outside the movement are to stay at their stations. Besides, they are to get an additional 900 dollars for the 90 days. The international students within SADC will get allowances continuously. Also, if there will be a necessary need for them to return home, then the authorities will help them.

Activities Of The Ministry Of Health.

Nkaku Kabi, the minister of health, communicates with SA’s health sector to organize the supply of ARV’s. He also talked about the delivery of medication for Basotho stuck because of the lockdown directive.



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