The United States and World Updates On COVID-19.
As a new day arises on earth, the number of cases and deaths from coronavirus keeps adding up. The cases on the record are over 1426000 and total deaths read at 81865. Cases in the United States, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany are over 100,000 with Italy having 135586 and France at 110065. This information on record is from the Johns Hopkins University.
Spain’s State Amid The Coronavirus.
Spain is one of the countries experiencing the biggest challenge in fighting the coronavirus. Daily deaths and cases come up.
As of now, the country is experiencing a figure of 757 people losing their lives in a single day. The total deaths in the country are over 14000 and the total cases are at 146690.
The United States Current Situation.
The US is the one facing the biggest problem with coronavirus other than any country in the world. The cases are over 400000 and its death toll reads at 12864. Besides, 169 more cases in Missouri are on record.
European Markets Are Declining.
As of yesterday, most of the stock market indexes were improving and people saw some light after a dark period.
However, this hope seems to be fading since the European markets seem to be trading at a decline as of this morning. The pan- European Stoxx drops 1% as oil and gas stocks drop over 2% resulting in losses.
Coronavirus in Malaysia Seems not to Slow Down.
Current information says Malaysia has 156 new cases of coronavirus on record. The total cases are over 4000 as the country records 2 new victims of death. It includes a Pakistani citizen who went for a religious event known as the origin of over 980 coronavirus transmissions.
The European States Lift Lockdowns.
Some small European countries are lifting restrictions to return to their normal lifestyle. The drive to this is because of reporting a gradual rate of the number of new cases and deaths.
However, they are carefully and slowly doing this to ensure that the countries achieve full and sure stability. Countries that want to lift lockdown are Austria, Denmark, and Norway.
Germany, The United Kingdom And Hong Kong Updates On COVID-19.
The economy in Germany declined by over 9%, recording its biggest drop since. The total cases and deaths are at 103228 and 1861, respectively. In the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, its Prime Minister, spends a second day at St. Thomas Hospital in an ICU. Despite his symptoms worsening, his condition is stable.
Hong Kong extends its restriction measures until late this month. The measures were banning public gatherings and closing all bars and restaurants. The number of cases now read over nine hundred.
Tesla, The Producers Of Electric Cars, Are Also Caught Up By The coronavirus.
The company promises to cut salaries for its workers. It may also lay off all hourly laborers until early next month. The company may stop or halt the staffing agencies’ contract jobs for some time before resuming its normal production activities.
China Records Least Cases As Wuhan Plans On Lifting Lockdown.
China records over 60 new cases and 2 new fatalities. The total cases are over 80000 and total deaths over 3000. It has a record of over 100 new asymptomatic cases.
In Wuhan, where the lockdown began in January, people are moving around as others leave the city. As of today, over 50,000 people will be leaving the city through a train. Wuhan records over 50000 infections as its death toll reads at 2572.
The situation in Wuhan is getting better, and every person around the globe is hoping for the same as a vaccine is on the way.