UN Takes a Stand Against Ghana’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

Ghana's Ruling Party Candidate Takes Stance Against LGBTQ+
Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation-BBC

UN Takes a Stand Against Ghana’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

Ghana is facing international backlash following the passage of a bill criminalizing LGBTQ+ individuals and their supporters by its parliament. The United Nations has strongly criticized the legislation, with the Office of the UN High Commissioner expressing deep concern and urging against its enactment into law. Ravina Shamdasani, the spokeswoman for the office, labeled the bill as “profoundly disturbing” and emphasized the need to avoid criminalizing consensual same-sex conduct.

In a statement, Shamdasani highlighted that the bill significantly expands the range of criminal sanctions directed at lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals based solely on their identity. What is particularly alarming is that the legislation also threatens legal repercussions for individuals perceived as allies of the LGBTQ+ community, thus extending its impact beyond the community members themselves.

According to Shamdasani, the potential consequences of the bill becoming law would be corrosive, negatively influencing society at large. Criminalizing relationships, sexual activity, and even public displays of affection within the LGBTQ+ community, the bill takes a stringent stance against their fundamental rights. Additionally, it targets supporters and any form of promotion or funding related to LGBTQ+ activities, posing a severe threat to the advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights in the country.

Introduced three years ago, the bill has been approved by the Ghanaian parliament and awaits the president’s signature to be officially enacted into law. Those found guilty under its provisions could face imprisonment for up to a decade. This move is particularly significant given that Ghana has generally been viewed as a country with a better human rights record than many other African nations.

The swift passage of this legislation has triggered an escalation of international condemnation, challenging Ghana’s standing in the global community regarding human rights and equality. As advocacy groups and human rights defenders raise their voices against this bill, the situation in Ghana serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in various parts of the world.


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