UN Sounds Alarm: Libya’s Fate Hangs in the Balance Without Elections


UN Sounds Alarm:

The UN special envoy for Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, issued a stark warning to the warring political factions in the country, emphasizing the urgent need to form a unified government and progress towards elections. Bathily, addressing the UN Security Council, cautioned that without immediate action, Libya, a wealthy North African nation abundant in oil, would face the peril of “disintegration.”

The political turmoil in Libya can be traced back to the aftermath of the NATO-backed uprising in 2011, which led to the downfall and death of dictator Muammar Gaddafi. The ensuing chaos resulted in a divided nation with rival administrations in the east and west, supported by militias and foreign governments.

The current crisis is rooted in the failure of the December 24, 2021, elections and the refusal of Prime Minister Abdelhamid Dbeibah to resign. Amidst this, Khalifa Haftar, a powerful military commander, continues to wield influence in the east, further complicating the situation.

Bathily highlighted the entrenched positions of critical actors, including Dbeibah, Haftar, and others, each setting preconditions for participation in negotiations. He urged lifting bans on the activities of the High National Electoral Commission to facilitate local elections across the country.

Expressing concern about the deteriorating situation, Bathily called on the Security Council and the international community to play a critical role in encouraging constructive engagement among Libyan parties. He stressed the necessity of a coordinated and unified approach to support presidential and legislative elections.

The US Deputy Ambassador, Robert Wood, voiced alarm over the activities of armed groups operating with impunity in Libya, violating human rights and humanitarian law. The US advocated for measures to reunify the country’s military to enhance security and prevent regional unrest.

Wood also highlighted the destabilizing role of the Russian Wagner group, describing it as a “transnational criminal organization.” He urged Libyan political leaders to participate in UN-facilitated talks to address issues hindering the electoral process.

In conclusion, the situation in Libya demands immediate attention and concerted efforts from both domestic and international stakeholders to avert further deterioration and pave the way for a unified and inclusive government.


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