Ugandan Musician Bobi Wine to Contest for Presidency in 2021


Bobi Wine’s real name is Robert Kyangulanyi Ssentamu. He is a Ugandan pop and reggae star, as well as a vibrant politician. The 37-year-old has been the greatest rival to Museveni’s regime. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has been in the office since 1986. He has ruled Uganda for six terms. Museveni has no plans to exit power. Actually, last year he succeeded in removing a clause in the constitution that forbade leaders above 75 years to run for office. Through his National Resistance Movement party, Uganda’s politics have moved from worse to worst. There’s endless corruption, joblessness, and unjust distribution of resources. This is what has made Ugandan musician, Bobi Wine, to contest for presidency in 2021.

How Bobi Wine plans to take power

Wine’s plans to change the status quo in Uganda’s power. In 2017, he won a post as a member of parliament in a constituency near Kampala. That was when he first came to the political arena. Since then he has been campaigning for opposition candidates. Consequently, his political profile has continued rising. Bobi Wine’s contest for presidency in 2021 is a well-thought-out plan. However, Bobi Wine and president Museveni don’t see eye to eye. The current government view him as a threat to the power they currently hold. Through a popular movement dubbed “People Power,” Bobi Wine mobilizes the youths in fighting for their rights.  He even stated that he is running for the presidency “on behalf of the people.”

Threats to be eliminated

Ever since August 2018 when Bobi Wine escaped death by a whisker in Arua, he has always said his life is at risk. This is due to his outright opposition to the dictatorship of the current regime. During that time, he and Museveni had political rallies in different occasions. Apparently, the president’s motorcade was stoned by the protestors. In efforts to fight back, the authorities shot and killed Wine’s driver, Ayun Kasim.

Bobi Wine claims that he was the real target only that he escaped the untimely death. Following that, he was thrown into jail with claims of treason and disrespecting the statutory law. In May 2019, he was set free on bail and his followers could not hide their joy. Bobi Wine is a courageous political leader who has challenged Museveni on several occasions. He is a fearless leader determined to fight for Ugandan youths.

The other opposition leader

The other opposition leader who has always competed with president Museveni is Kizza Besigye. He has been a rival to Museveni but has never managed to take power. Speaking regarding Bobi Wine’s plans. he said that he is not yet ready to be a president. This has brought to light the fact that Uganda’s opposition is divided, unlike the ruling government that is united. Despite the obstacles, Ugandan musician Bobi Wine to contest for presidency in 2021 is a great move.

Museveni is still popular

It’s going to be a tough battle for the presidency since Museveni is still popular among the people of Uganda. Also, Museveni would do anything within his power to prevent Bobi Wine from contesting. The division in the opposition parties whose leaders have been talking ill of the others in public rallies would also be a major hindrance. In spite of these blocks, Bobi wine is set to get into power by replacing the long-serving president. Since its independence in 1962, Uganda has never experienced a peaceful power transition. We hope that in 2021 things will be better.


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