Uganda: Man Dies after setting Fire to Himself over Police Bribe


Ugandan man has taken away his life after setting fire to himself inside a police station. The case started when the police officers allegedly requested him to pay a bribe to release his motorcycle. The man, Hussein Walugembe had a motorbike which he used as a taxi and was found violating coronavirus restrictions in Makasa- Uganda.

Uganda toughest lockdown measure 

In the past days since coronavirus outbreak, several cases has been reported of police officers using extra force to enforce the lockdown measures. Many Africans report beatings, detentions and blackmail from the security personnel. All these happens in the name of enforcing COVID-19 regulations to curb the spread of the virus.

Hussein Walugembe recently bought the motorcycle. And gave a friend who violated the county’s dusk to dawn curfew imposed in the country for the last 45 days of restriction.

Mans pleas to get his taxi back

On Thursday, Hussein came to the police station in Masaka to claim back the motorcycle. His requests were not successful as the police officers  bribe in order to have the bike. After his pleas to the police officer for traffic to release his bike hit the rock. Hussein drenched himself with petrol, which he had kept in his pocket and set himself on fire.

“He attempted to grab the officer, for then to die together, but he escaped with minor burns, leaving the victim behind,”

the national police headquarters said in a statement.

The Police heads are investigating the allegations of blackmail and bribery at the station, said the statement. Also, the two police officers who in the case are in detention. Masaka is a small town about 130 km south of Kampala.

Coronavirus cases in Uganda

Among the African countries, Uganda is one country with the strictest lockdown measures. The coronavirus cases stands at relatively low at 953 infections with no deaths. The government has eased some restrictions while some are still in place.



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