Tunis Governor Refuses Protest Permit, Cites Alleged Plot.


Tunis, Tunisia – The governor of Tunis has refused to issue a permit for a planned protest in the city, citing an alleged plot to destabilize the country.

The protest was organized by civil society groups and scheduled for next week. It was intended to call for an end to government corruption and police brutality. However, Governor Mtiraoui claims that the protest is part of a larger plot to overthrow the government.

In a statement released on Wednesday, Mtiraoui said that the protest organizers have ties to extremist groups and foreign interests.a He added that that their true goal is to create chaos and instability in Tunisia.

“We cannot allow these groups to sow discord and harm the stability and security of our country,” he said. “We have evidence that this protest is part of a larger plot to undermine our democracy and our way of life.


The governor’s decision has sparked outrage among civil society groups and opposition politicians. They accuse him of using the alleged plot as an excuse to stifle dissent and suppress free speech.

“This is a blatant violation of our constitutional rights,” said Amira Yahyaoui, a prominent human rights activist. “The governor has no right to deny us our right to peaceful protest based on baseless allegations.”

The Tunisian government has been under increasing pressure in recent months, as the country faces economic turmoil and a surge in COVID-19 cases. Protests have erupted across the country in response to government corruption and mismanagement. In addition to the as police brutality and human rights abuses.

Critics say that the governor’s decision is a sign of the government’s growing authoritarianism and willingness to suppress dissent.

“The government is using the excuse of a so-called plot to silence any criticism and opposition,” said opposition leader Nabil Karoui. “This is a dangerous precedent that threatens the future of our democracy.”

The protest organizers have vowed to continue their efforts, despite the governor’s decision. They have called on the Tunisian people to join them in a peaceful demonstration.



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