Top six Africa business ideas with strong profit potential


Are you entrepreneur looking for great business ideas in Africa? This article entails top six excellent business ideas that can bring millions of profits!

1)      Electric motorbikes Business for Africa’s urban centers

There is an excellent opportunity in urban centers in Africa in the motorbike business. Motorcycle in Africa is the most common means of transport to many people. This is according to the CEO of pay as you go solar power company Mr. Mansoor Hamayun.

The transition to clean energy from traditional fuel potential is also has several positive impacts on the environment as well as people’s health, especially to the people in urban centers. Innovations like this will ensure a speedy move on sustainable development goals. The realization of this will go a long way as the driving force towards economic development.

2)      Tapping into Kenya’s affordable housing market

Tapping Kenya’s housing markets

Ivan Mbowa, who is the regional general manager of financial services called Tala, believes that the business opportunities that significantly address the untapped demand of the consumer are the best. Ivan advises those who intend to invest in Africa to check on fundamentals first. He gives affordable housing as one of the fundamentals. He further says the affordable housing options are yet to catch up with the population growth rate in Africa and urban migration.

3)      Garbage disposal

Hygiene and cleanliness are among the most significant challenges Africas are facing. This is probably because of the rate of poverty in the continent. The use of plastic, which doesn’t decompose, has posed a great problem as well. Hence this is one of the areas with high potentials. Coming up with a solution towards proper garbage disposal at a small business as well as family level. This can be coming up measures that will convert these wastes to a source of renewable energy

4)          The gap for more value retailer in a country like Nigeria

According to tho  Malley, who is a director in one of the real estate firms in Nigeria, value retailers have a massive opportunity if they get into the Nigerian market.  This will result in the development of more shopping centers. He says that the retailer base in the country is not broad enough. Even in the small centers, they hardly gain traction. The available retailers don’t offer discounts to the people. Hence the need for value retailers.

5)      Recycling of battery

pay as you go solar energy has, in recent years, helped in providing many households with electricity in Africa. It started as a niche, but it has grown into a large business. Some of the big companies in this sector are M-kopa solar, Lumos Global, PEG Africa, and Zola electric. The services of these companies may differ a bit, but they aminky offer solar panels with batteries. Stakeholders are suggesting that there is an excellent spin-off opportunity, especially from the solar industry for households. That is recycling the cells of the systems.if not proper was of disposing of the old batteries, it can pose an enormous environmental disaster.

6)      Starting a tourism-related business in Côte d’Ivoire

Tourism minister in ivory coast, Siondou Fofana, at the beginning of this year presented a document whose aim was to make the country the 5th biggest tourism destination from the year 2025. The project requires $5.8 billion to invest. “One of these is the Abidjan Business City, which will be a central point for holding conventions in Côte d’Ivoire. We do not currently have a conference center, and we do not have a hall with the capacity to accommodate five thousabds people. Therefore there is, a need to move quickly in that regard,” he said. There will be a one hundred hectares leisure park, a beautiful beach along the coastline of 550 kilometers. This will create an avenue for those in the tourism sector to venture into this new great opportunity to enhance their livelihood.

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