Tigray: Report as the UN is Given Unrestricted Access to the Region


More than 43,000 Ethiopians have fled to neighboring Sudan following the war in the Tigray region that has lasted close to a month.

Thousands have lost their lives in the war, which has experienced a lack of diplomatic resolutions. Cases of militias attacking civilians have also been reported.

UN – Ethiopia Agreement

An agreement confirmed by Ethiopian government spokesman Redwan Hussein has given UN and other humanitarians’ access to Tigray’s government-controlled areas.

UN humanitarian coordination agency, OCHA remarked that the pact would ensure humanitarians get the desired access to the Tigray region.

Access to the areas under the control of the federal government will be secure and unrestricted.

Contradictory Statements

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Saturday night announced victory and declared that the war was over. This followed the successful capture of Tigray’s Capital, Mekelle, by the federal forces.

Two days later, the leader of Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), Debretsion Gebremichael, announced otherwise.

Speaking to the Associated Press on Monday, in a phone interview, Gebremichael says he remains within the Tigray region. He declared that “as long as the invaders” are on their land, he will keep on fighting. He signaled the fight was far from over, and he was sure they would win.

International Concern

Abiy announced victory, but this hasn’t reduced the gravity of concerns by countries and international bodies.

US state department spokesman said that US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, urged the premier to embrace dialogue and bring the fighting to a complete end in a telephone call.

The Secretary of State also emphasized protecting civilians, access to Tigray by humanitarian organizations, and respecting all Ethiopian ethnic groups’ human rights.

On Sunday, Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, spoke with Mr. Abiy and reaffirmed Mr. Pompeo’s advice.


It is still unclear if any TPLF leader had been apprehended during the federal troops’ Mekelle capture. But, it is alleged that the leaders fled to the hills.

TPLF has denied connections with the militias linked with the mass killings that have been witnessed in the Northern Ethiopian state.

Speaking to Reuters, TPLF leader, Gebremichael, said they had shot down a military plane and captured its pilot.

TPLF has also acknowledged firing rockets to neighboring Eritrea’s capital, Asmara. They accused Eritrea of supporting the Ethiopian government.

Federal Government

Abiy has accused TPLF of propagating internal conflicts, including ethnic clashes, throughout the country during his presidential term.

The premier also thanked the Eritrean government for the help they accorded the Ethiopian soldiers. He also cited that no civilian was killed during the Mekelle take over.

Moreover, Abi added that they would swiftly welcome back the Ethiopian refugees from Sudan.

The National Human Rights body on Monday called for the restoration of telecoms and resumption of electricity, water, and health services.

State of Tigray

Ethio Telecom announced the restoration of telecoms in about 6 towns under the control of the military. These areas include Dansha, Mai Kadra, and Humera.

Ethiopian Human Rights Commission has reported the massacre of 600 civilians in Mai Kadra on 9 November.

International Committee of the Red Cross reported on Sunday that trauma patients flooded Makele hospitals.

Refugee Situation

In a report published by the UN refugee body, UNHCR, the urgency of the need for other settlement sites was highlighted for the period. The Um Rakuba camp in Sudan had reached its maximum of 10,000 persons.

Congestion in the camps has stirred tension among the Ethiopian refugees who are now in fear of contracting Covid-19.

Filippo Grande, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, requested international support for Sudan, which is now hosting more than 43,000 refugees.

UNHCR has already commenced aid flights from Dubai to Sudan to deliver solar lamps, blankets, mosquito nets, tents, and plastic sheets.

Most refugees have been traumatized by the recent happenings, while some, including children, have been separated from their families.




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