The loss behind blue economy boundary woes


The Loss Behind Blue Economy Boundary Woes: a Case of Migingo, Uganda Border

Dispute over the small Migingo Island in Lake Victoria was on till later in 2019.  The article presents the loss behind blue economy boundary woes with reference to the case of Migingo, Uganda border.

For decades, the fisheries resources of Lake Victoria have been of great economic importance. But currently, the shore experience a number of economic misfortunes. This is probably because of the mismanagement of  the lake resources.

The local fishermen from Kenya and Uganda both claimed ownership of the Island. Fishermen from Uganda claimed that their flag was raised on the Island.

The issue became intense until Kenyan fishermen took the matter into their hands. They refused to pay the annual operation fee to the Ugandan authorities. This is when Ugandans said that the Island belong to Kenyans.

Depletion of fish stocks

Conflict lowers the blue economy because of the reduction in fish stocks in the lake. Overfishing, pollution of water and destruction of water resources all contributes to depletion of fish. The boundary woes surrounding Migingo Island have directly and indirectly caused depletion of fish.

This is because, as people fight over the small Island, population on water environment increases. This endangers water species which include fish.

Migingo’s geographical location is the reason behind conflict over its ownership. Because of this, mismanagement of the lake resources is on the rise.

The growing mismanagement of the lake resources has had far reaching consequences especially on the fish stocks.  Mismanagement come about when both local fishermen from Kenya and Uganda claim the possession of Migingo Island.

To Kenya’s fishermen, Migingo is an important fishing base further out into the waters. However, there is major debate over who owns the rights to fish from the Island.

Loss of livelihoods

Kenyan fishermen argued that Nile perch brings prosperity to most people living by the shore.  The Kenyan local residents believe that fishing is the backbone of their economy. This is because many livelihoods are fully dependent on fishing.

The Nile Perch, according to local fishermen, breed on the Kenyan side of the lake. This argument is supported by marine studies.

This has fueled conflict over the past few years over possession of the Island. As a result, it has lowered the economic productivity of the fisheries in Kenya-Uganda waters.

Food insecurity

The blue economy boundary woes has led to food insecurity.  As a result, the lives of people living by the shores of Migingo Island are put in danger. Fighting over the Island lead to depletion of water resources. Fish is the main source of food for Island residents. Conflict around the lake, therefore, leads to food insecurity.

Fisheries contribute significantly to both economic and food security. Depletion of fish,  therefore,  is a great threat especially to the vulnerable population.

People around the lake depend highly on fish for survival. Boundary woes around Migingo has caused food insecurity by reducing the amount of fish in the lake.


Water bodies contain resources from where we derive food, medicine and livelihoods. These are also the driving force of global economic and social development.

Proper management of water resources is key to maintaining the blue economy.  Boundary conflicts that emanates from the lake shores negatively impact on the blue economy. The loss behind blue boundary economy woes has negatively impacted both Kenyan and Ugandan economies.



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