Ten migrants die in Tunisian boat accident


A boat carrying migrants capsized off the coast of Tunisia, resulting in the deaths of at least ten persons and the disappearance of more than thirty.

Houssem Eddin Jebabli, a member of the Tunisian national guard, stated that the coast guard rescued 76 migrants whose boats sank

A magistrate in Sfax, Faouzi Masmoudi, has estimated that up to 30 individuals are still missing.

In the past month, the number of migrants leaving Tunisia for the coast of Italy has increased drastically, with catastrophic consequences due to the overcrowding and poor condition of the vessels. At least 52 migrants died and another 70 went missing in March

In the first three months of the year, the National Guard intercepted or rescued over 14,000 migrants, most from sub-Saharan Africa.

Tunisia has supplanted Libya as the most prevalent starting point for migrants from Africa and the Middle East on their journey to Europe, contributing to the precipitous rise.

Due to the ongoing assault on human trafficking in Libya, Tunisia has become an attractive alternative.


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