Maltese rescue team finds ‘hundreds’ of dead on Libyan beach


The Malta Civil Protection Department said on Saturday that a Maltese rescue crew discovered hundreds of dead bodies on a beach in the flooded Libyan city of Derna on Friday.

The Maltese team’s captain, Natalino Bezzina, told the Times of Malta newspaper that there were perhaps 400 people there, although it was difficult to estimate.

On Wednesday, Malta sent out a team of 72 rescuers from the military and the civil protection agency.

A four-person crew made the initial discovery of a group of seven dead, including those of three youngsters, within a seaside cave.

After Storm Daniel’s downpour forced two dams to collapse and swept away a quarter of the coastal city, the bodies are thought to have been washed out to sea by significant flooding.

Bezzina informed the Maltese media that a small CPD team discovered bodies within the cave after discovering it to be partially submerged.

They were joined in their hunt by Libyan dinghies that were also looking for victims and survivors. Then they discovered a little harbor that was surrounded by rubble and hundreds of dead bodies.


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