Sudan ceasefire brings relief after weeks of fighting.


Despite an internationally monitored ceasefire, residents reported artillery fire and warplanes over Khartoum on Tuesday.

After the ceasefire went into effect late Monday, residents in at least one area reported nighttime airstrikes, but overall calm.

On Saturday, the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) reached a truce in Jeddah after five weeks of fighting. Saudi Arabia and the United States are keeping an eye on it in order to provide humanitarian aid.

The two countries announced urgent humanitarian relief preparations in a joint statement late Tuesday.

Sudanese activists welcomed the ceasefire but demanded an investigation into civilian human rights violations during the fighting.

Volunteer groups that have led local aid efforts in the capital were preparing to receive supplies, though activists and aid workers said that much of the aid that has arrived in Port Sudan on the Red Sea coast is still awaiting security clearance.

MSF, which works in ten Sudanese states, reported violence in several cities in Darfur.

According to Sudan’s health ministry, the RSF raided and occupied Bahri’s Ahmed Qassim hospital prior to the ceasefire and then relocated to Alban Jadeed on Tuesday morning. According to RSF, the health ministry published “lies.”

The ceasefire agreement has raised hopes of a pause in a war that has displaced nearly 1.1 million people, with over 250,000 fleeing to neighboring countries.

“Our only hope is that the truce holds,” said Atef Salah El-Din, a 42-year-old Khartoum resident.

Following negotiations, this was the first formal ceasefire with a monitoring mechanism.

The monitoring mechanism was described as “remote” by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who did not provide further details.

“The talks in Jeddah were focused. Stopping the violence and assisting Sudanese. “Much more is needed to resolve this conflict,” said Blinken in a video.

According to a joint statement issued by the United States and Saudi Arabia, the two Sudanese factions violated prior commitments not to seek military advantage, and the monitoring committee has been investigating reported violations since Monday.

According to State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller, the US will “stop the violence when we see violations of the ceasefire” and will use “additional tools” if necessary.

Sudanese activists have complained of indiscriminate shelling and airstrikes on residential areas, civilians being used as human shields, extrajudicial killings, torture, and sexual violence since the conflict began on April 15.

According to MSF, its expansion has been slowed by violence, looting, and administrative and logistical issues.

“We are witnessing a violation of humanitarian principles, and the space for humanitarians to work is shrinking on a scale I’ve never seen before,” said Jean-Nicolas Armstrong Dangelser, MSF’s emergency coordinator in Sudan.

Sudan’s neighbors are also affected by the crisis. A senior Red Cross official warned of a disaster as Sudanese refugees pour into Chad on Tuesday.

The UN refugee agency reported 60,000-90,000 refugees in Chad this week.


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