Southern African Military Force in Enhancing Stability in the DRC


Southern African Military

The deployment of thousands of South African troops to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) marks a significant move in addressing the escalating rebel attacks, leading to one of Africa’s most severe humanitarian crises. In the wake of this intervention, questions arise about the efficacy of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) mission and its potential impact on the ongoing conflict. This article delves into the complexities of the situation, examining the roots of the conflict, past military interventions, and the prospects of the current SADC effort.

The Escalating Crisis in the DRC

1. Recent Developments

The recent mortar attack on a South African military base underscores the gravity of the situation, with two soldiers killed and three injured. This event amplifies the urgency of the intervention and highlights the immediate dangers faced by those involved.

2. Humanitarian Toll

A significant concern arises from the widespread displacement caused by the conflict, forcing thousands to flee to safer regions, such as Goma. The humanitarian toll is severe, with a rising death toll, displacement of thousands, and a looming crisis in terms of food scarcity and aid accessibility.

Understanding the Conflict in the DRC

3. Roots of the Conflict

Delving into the historical context, the DRC has grappled with numerous rebel groups, numbering around 100, particularly in the resource-rich eastern region. The origins trace back to the aftermath of regional wars in the 1990s, driven by Rwanda’s pursuit of genocidaires.

4. The Menace of M23

At the forefront of these rebel groups is the M23, known for its formidable presence near the Rwandan border. The group, allegedly funded by Rwanda, contends it fights for the rights of ethnic Congolese Tutsis facing discrimination. However, the United Nations and the DRC argue otherwise, pointing to Rwanda’s strategic mineral interests.

5. Resurgence of M23

After a period of dormancy, M23 resurfaced in 2021, launching a significant offensive. The group’s advances and the capture of key towns pose a direct threat to Goma, heightening the urgency for intervention.

Past Military Interventions: A Tale of Failures

6. East African Community Mission

Two separate military missions, led by the East African Community (EAC) and the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), have faced setbacks. The EAC mission, deployed in 2022, faltered due to differing interpretations of its mandate, leading to its withdrawal.

7. UN Peacekeeping Force

MONUSCO’s prolonged presence, spanning over 25 years, failed to quell insecurity, resulting in increasing discontent among the Congolese. The force’s dissolution in December 2023 signifies the acknowledgment of its inability to curb rebel groups.

Assessing the SADC Intervention

8. SADC Mission Overview

The recent deployment of the SADC Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (SAMIDRC) signals a new attempt to address the crisis. Comprising troops from Malawi, Tanzania, and South Africa, questions linger about the force’s effectiveness in countering the M23 threat.

9. Challenges and Concerns

Experts express reservations about SADC troops’ capabilities, citing M23’s increased firepower since the 2013 intervention. South Africa’s underfunded military poses additional challenges, raising doubts about the mission’s success.

10. Financial Implications

The cost of deploying troops to the DRC, estimated at 2 billion rand ($105 million), highlights South Africa’s financial commitment. Balancing military budgets amidst competing priorities adds a layer of complexity to the intervention.

11. Diverted Priorities

SADC troops concurrently engage in combat against ISIL-linked fighters in Mozambique. The potential diversion of resources from this mission to prioritize the DRC intervention raises concerns about the broader implications on regional security.


In conclusion, the Southern African military intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo represents a pivotal moment in addressing the persistent conflict. However, challenges loom large, from historical complexities and the resurgence of rebel groups to the efficacy of past interventions. The success of the SADC mission hinges on overcoming these hurdles and ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable resolution to the crisis.


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