South Sudan President Salva Kiir Receives International Peace Award 


South Sudan President Salva Kiir was awarded the International Peace Award for good Leadership and Governance from the Universal Peace Federation International, US. This award was brokering the peace deal between the Sudanese government and rebel factions. They held the awarding ceremony at the peace signing agreement event. This took place last week at the John Garang Mausoleum and Freedom Hall on Saturday afternoon. On the occasion, Kiir noted they never stopped working for total peace for their neighbors despite the challenges they faced.

“I am pleased to have been honored and recognized for my efforts. The award honors both my efforts and our people’s aspirations for a peaceful region,” Kiir said.

The South Sudan Minister for Investments and also the secretary for the mediation team, Dhieu Mathok, was present. He said South Sudan put their problems aside and brokered peace for their neighboring country in the North.

“As Africans, you might have problems in your house, but that doesn’t stop you from helping a neighbor or a brother. Sudan is our home, and we know each other. We were there. We know their culture, and above all, we know their problems more than anybody else,” Mathok said at the signing ceremony.

South Sudan President Salva Kiir Hosted TB Joshua in the Past For Peace

Salva Kiir, however, applauded other players, including Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the US government, the United Nations, and the African Union for efforts to ensure lasting peace in Sudan. This reminds those who were present during the visit of Prophet TB Joshua to South Sudan in 2019. The cleric of the SCOAN, Nigeria, spoke about how God will make peace reign in South Sudan soon.


Prophet TB Joshua did not hesitate to put his head on the guillotine when he assured the audience. He said if he is truly a genuine man of God and a prophet, his words from God about South Sudan’s peace will come to pass. He added that his prophecy will come to pass soon, whether or not anyone wants it to happen. Salva Kiir said that South Sudan’s peace process is on the right track despite the slow pace. Last year, several religious leaders, including Pope Francis, pushed for Sudan and South Sudan’s peace, and it is now underway.

“The SPLM and I are fully committed to the process of solving differences through dialogue. We will use non -violent means to solve problems,” Kiir said.

The Reaction of Neighbouring Countries After the Sudan Peace Agreement

President Museveni partnered with several regional powers to campaign for Sudan to be excluded from the US government’s terror list. Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda represented Museveni at the signing ceremony. It was a groundbreaking moment of the Peace Agreement between the Sudanese Transitional Government and 13 Rebel groups. Uganda’s Prime Minister mentioned that Sudan ought to be excluded from the list of terrorist financing countries. This would unlock the nation’s full potential.

“Uganda expresses support for the ongoing efforts to have Sudan removed from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. This will unlock the country’s potentials through improved investments and productions. Thus her economy will be boosted for the wellbeing of her population,” Rugunda said on Saturday.

Push for Excluding Sudan Off the List of Countries Sponsoring Terrorism

Because of its funding for Islamist insurgents, notably Osama bin Laden, who took refuge in Sudan for five years, Sudan was added to the 1993 list of most dangerous countries. A few heads of state in tandem, addressing many in Juba on Saturday, requested the US to rethink its judgment for the nation’s sake. However, in April of the last year, after the downfall of the man who had governed Sudan for 30 years, the US administration began discussions with Bashir to normalize relations in 2017.

After the deposition of President Omar al-Bashir, the new government in Sudan has moved since last year to remove the nation from the US blacklist of state terrorist supporters. Last month, the BBC announced that the United Arab Emirates had sent Sudan a high-level team to discuss with US officials as the country is attempting to get deleted from US terrorist-sponsored lists.



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