South African Police Officer Kills Six Relatives for Insurance Payouts


During the trial of Rosemary Ndlovu, a 46-year-old South African police officer, the court ruled that the officer collaborated with a hitman to murder her boyfriend and five relatives in a bloodcurdling scheme to keep insurance claims.

According to the court findings, the South African police officer systematically signed up relatives for life and funeral insurance before organizing the murders of her boyfriend, cousin, sister, niece, nephew, and another relative between 2012 and 2017.

Besides the court findings, Rosemary Ndlovu primarily hired assassins to ambush her victims and either shoot or bludgeon them to death. Ndlovu poisoned her sister’s tea and then strangled her after the poison failed to work.

In a statement, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) stated, “Ndlovu perpetrated these crimes as there were similar patterns and facts relating to the deaths of all the deceased.”

Ndlovu reaped about 1.4 million rands (approximately $95,000 and 81,000 Euros) from her bloody deeds before being apprehended before completing plots against her mother and siblings.

State advocate Riana Williams stated, “The accused was the last person to see them alive or the first to notice that they were missing.”

She added, “She nominated herself as the beneficiary to cash in on life and funeral covers.” 

Rosemary was caught red-handed in 2018 after one of her hitmen tipped off the police after she devised a plan to burn down another sister’s house that would have charred to the loss of her life and her five children.

During her testimony, Rosemary denied allegations of trying to kill her relatives. Still, when she was asked about Maurice Mabasa, her former lover of killing, Ndlovu could not hold back her tears.

Rosemary Ndlovu vehemently denied any wrongdoing throughout the trial and barely showed any emotional signs in court. She always dressed up for hearings and frequently changed her hairstyle, eliciting amusing reactions. 

Rosemary denied attempting to murder her relatives during her testimony. Still, when asked about Maurice Mabasa, her former lover whom she is also accused of murdering, Ndlovu could not hold back her tears.

Rosemary Ndlovu’s sentence is expected to be announced early next month.


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