South Africa: Nelson Mandela Ally Denis Goldberg Dies at 87


Denis Goldberg, a veteran South African anti-apartheid activist who stood trial together with the late President Nelson Mandela, has passed away. He was 87 years old at the time of his death.

Goldberg, who had been suffering from lung cancer, died at midnight on Wednesday at his home area in Cape Town.

He was popularly known for his political activism, Goldberg is among South Africa’s heroes who will be remembered for standing firm for human rights. He fought along with the late President Mandela the delivery of South Africans from the apartheid rule.

Denis Goldberg in his early life

Denis Goldberg spent 22 years of prison for his stand against the ruling party then. He was sentenced to imprisonment in June 1964 for his active participation in the ANC’s activities. He was Mandela’s strong ally in fighting the evils of the apartheid regime in South Africa.

Apartheid regime was the white’s racist  minority government that ruled the S.A before independence.

It was in the Rivonia court proceeding trial that saw Mandela and other anti-apartheid activists found guilty of sabotage in 1964 and sentenced for too many years in prison.

Many South African leaders poured in their honors to Denis Goldberg, citing his essential role in the deliverance of the black Africans from the racist rule. And firmly standing beside the late Mandela in fighting for rights of the black majority in South Africa.

The President’s Tribute

“His dedication to ethical leadership was unflinching, and even during his advanced age. He formed part of the government of veterans of the struggle calling for the reassertion of the moral center of society.”

“We will remember him in our thoughts and prayers as we say farewell at a time when we cannot gather to say our goodbyes.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa

Sello Hatang, the Nelson Mandela Foundation Chief Executive.  In his farewell message said that he was a member of a generation of leadership in the country. This which gave direction to the country’s history in profound ways.

ANC also paid tribute sayong Denis had a life well-lived in the struggle for freedom. S.A will miss him for his strong performance in spearheading the country to the right direction.

Goldberg was a detractor of the ANC’s performance in government. And the socioeconomic conditions of the mostly black poor majority in South Africa.

 Fellow activist and former Constitutional Court judge, Albie Sachs recounts on experience with the hero:

“Denis was a citizen of the word. He was the bravest of us all. He went deep into the politics, escaped from prison but was recaptured. And in the way had the hardest of all the imprisonments, often on his own in a white jail.”

“He was also buoyant and funny and stole back extra years of life from a serious illness. I remember his brightness and courage. And humanity with deep love, affection, and pride.”Sachs remarks

Profession and honors

Later in life, Goldberg was a spokesman for the ANC. He also represented it in the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid.

Goldberg was honored with the Order of Luthuli. Awarded by the South African presidency for his dedication to working to the betterment of the people of South Africa throughout his life.

South Africa and the world has lost a paramount veteran leader. The people of SA will remember him for his intense activism and changes he pushed for in the country.



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