South Africa revealed an impressive technological project. The nation has in its possession the world’s largest super radio telescope. This telescope is the first phase of the nation trying to unravel the secrets of the universe.
The telescope is a 64-dish MeerKAT located in the remote and arid Karoo region of South Africa. It will be integrated into a multi-nation Square Kilometer Array (SKA). Once fully operational, the SKA telescope is predicted to be 50 times more powerful than any telescope in the world. The telescope, according to Khmertimeskh news, will be fully operational in 2030. The SKA telescope will comprise of a forest of 3000 dishes spread across an area of a square kilometer remote terrain in several African countries and Australia. Its location will allow astronomers to see deeper into the space with unparalleled detail. The telescope will explore the exploding stars, black holes and any traces of the origin of the universe.
South Africa has invested an estimated 3.2 billion rands (equivalent to $24o million) into the telescope project. And the telescope will be built by an international consortium which includes Australia, Britain, Canada, China, Italy, Indian, New Zealand, Sweden and the Netherlands.
Mr David Mabuza, the deputy president of South Africa stated, “The telescope will be the largest of its own kind in the world – with image resolution quality exceeding the Hubble Space Telescope by a factor of 50 times.” At the introduction ceremony of the telescope, Mabuza went on to state, “This day represents some of Africa s milestones… in our quest to catch up with the rest of the world and make our own contributions to civilization.”
The project will also involve other African nations. This proves that the future of this project will bring impressive results to the world of astronomy.