Rights group: At least 21 Civilians Killed in Cameroon


The Civilians

Human Rights Watch held forces responsible for the massacre that led to the demise of 22 civilians following an anglophone riot. The protestors held these demonstrations to defend their president from discriminatory remarks by the French president, Emmanuel. Those remarks angered the civilians.

Authorities brutality in Cameroon

This group of human rights activists, US-based rights group, stated on Tuesday that the forces and the Fulani herds remain responsible for the deaths and destructions. The forces deny the allegations stating their main purpose was to control the demonstrators in action. Since all they targeted were the rebels responsible for the chaos. Nonetheless, following the feud that transpired, the forces are currently to blame for the assassination of 13 children and one pregnant woman. Such an unfortunate act, killing the most vulnerable. HWR reported that this riotous inhumane act occurred during a raid by the forces in a village in the northwestern part of the country.

They ransacked properties, set homes ablaze and brutally beat the residents. As if not enough, they also burnt the children whom they murdered.

“The killings were so outrageous, the abuses so blatant and evidence so damming. The killings were deliberate and were aimed at punishing the population suspected of harboring and collaborating with the separatists,” said Ilaria Allegrozzi, HRW’s senior Africa researcher.


The culprits responsible for such gruesome acts should face severely punished. It is quite saddening that innocent children lost their lives amid such chaos. With thorough investigations, the villains will be shortlisted and punished. As such justice will prevail.

To which village did brutality transpire?

The outrageous brutality transpired in a northwestern village in the Ngarboh region. This is the most remote part of the country. Gunmen arrived and fiercely launched a raid. They fired guns without considering who they shot. This resulted in deaths, injuries and not to mention some people became homeless.

What brought about the demonstration?

The conflict was sparked by the urge for independence. The Cameroon enthusiasts demanded the French president to stay out of their socio-political issues. They rallied at the French embassy in Cameroon demanding an apology for such criticism.

Cameroon’s current state on the language divide

These remarks follow Cameroon’s current state on the language divide. For years, there have been grievances on discrimination of English speakers who appear to be a minority group in the country. Cameroon fixing its language divide resulted in a feud. The French president’s remarks to president Biya to control the intolerable anglophone crises not taken lightly. They attributed this to a deteriorating situation in the country. The Cameroon citizens even stated that unlike the ivory coast and some other countries the likes of president Emmanuel won’t control them. They remain committed to keeping their independence.



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