Raila Odinga opinion on Corona virus pandemic


Kenya records at least one hundred and twenty-two confirmed Corona virus cases, with four deaths as well as four recoveries as of Friday, 3rd April. Kenyans have now started to worry about this a pandemic as the numbers are rising quickly day after day. Most of the citizens decided to go for prayer; President Uhuru Kenyatta advises everyone to pray against the Covid-19.  According to the news, Raila Odinga, the leader of ODM, attended the national prayer day held in the state House, Nairobi.

 Desperate to win the corona virus war

The opposition chief urges all Kenyans to remain united and to consider using their social interconnections, especially during this fight against the virus outbreak. Besides, a letter released on 3rd April 2020, features a statement from Raila saying that Kenyans should personalize the war against the disease and work smart to stay safe. He urges everyone to use video chats, daily phone calls, text messages to communicate with friends as well as family members as social distancing is a pivotal aspect to curb the spread.

Furthermore, he recommends others to use the same route, including business people, prayer group members, Chama members, drivers, riders, touts, and schoolmates. Raila sees it wise for Kenyan citizens to impose the outlaid measures- avoid crowded areas by observing social distancing, often washing of hands, as well as wearing protective gear such as masks. He advised those who cannot get the N95 costumes to use homemade, improvised ones. Just like everyone else, Raila is not sure when the pandemic will come to an end or where it will take us. Still, he urges the Kenyan fraternity to come out and fight; saying epidemics affect the societies much.

Additionally, he says right now, Kenya needs new patriots to fight this new war, and the battle is not for armed few but everyone, even the young ones. Raila urges Citizens to focus mostly on people with personal relationships as well as observe the governments’ directives to contain the rapid spread.

The use of social media

The opposition chief urges youths in the country to exploit the advantage of the technology at hand and become the new soldiers as well as saviors during the Corona virus fight. He asks Kenyans to remain united and resilient as they have been before, especially in hard times. Raila says he has known Kenyans for long, having strong faith and belief.

Besides, he suggests that everyone should be determined, kind, and humorous now more than ever.  He also tells Kenyans to take personal control against the pandemic, or else we will face the consequences. According to Raila, the window is closing, and we should enlighten our friends all over the country.


Come on, Kenyans let us not be ridiculous; the disease is real and hunting us. It is high time we wake up from the slumber land. Ensure you take the necessary warnings and follow the outlaid measures to help us contain the virus. Besides, do not forget to observe high levels of hygiene and wear protective pieces of equipment were necessary. Let us not be hopeless we can, and we will win this war.




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