Radical Islam in France: Macron Reveal His Plan to Fight It


President of France and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra since 2017, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, revealed his plan to defend his secular country values against radical Islam. To do this, he announced better control over foreign funding of mosques and Stricker oversight of schooling.

President Emmanuel Macron insisted that “no concessions” would be made in the new plan to eradicate extremist religious teaching in mosques and schools after describing Islam as a religion in “Crisis”

Radical Islam Wake Up Call

Macron insisted that France must wake up and do more on economic and social mobility to immigrant communities, a position often taken by the radicals.

This address came 18 months before the presidential elections. Macron is set to face a challenge to the right while public concerns over security grow in France.

“Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world today; we do not just see this in our country,” said President Macron.

He also said that radicals were seeking to brainwash new converts across the country.

Condemning “Islamic Separation.”

The president condemned a trend of “Islamic separation” that defies French rules and seeks to create a counter-society that holds its own laws above all others.

This form of denominationalism often translates into children being kept out of school. Besides, they use culture and community activities, sporting as a pretext to teach principles that do not conform to public laws.

In December, the government will present a bill to strengthen the country’s bedrock 1905 law. This law officially separated the church and the state.

There would be a closer analysis of the curriculum at private schools and Stricker limits on home-learning unless matters of health.

New Law Enforcement

To ascertain the commitment to France’s secularism and values, community associations that receive state subsidies will sign a contract to make the vow.

Such organizations will be subjected to closer scrutiny, and those breaking the ant-indoctrination rules will be caught by the law.

To further emphasize how serious the law is, wearing religious symbols for subcontractors’ employees providing public services will be banned, a rule that already applies to public servants.

He said there had been increased abuses of different kinds championed by sub-contracting staff. A good example is bus drivers who refuse women’s entry for wearing clothing considered too revealing.

No to Foreign Islamic Influence; The New Liberty. 

Macron emphasized that necessary action ought to be taken to liberate Islam in France from foreign influence by countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar.

The government will have to check on foreign financing of mosques and lockdown on freeing imams ongoing for training or hosting foreign preachers on French soil.

The president emphasized that the measures taken are to foster France population’s ability to live together rather than stigmatize France’s Muslim brothers.

The Swift Shift

France’s core republican values are often perceived by the majority to be threatened by Islam in the wake of several terror attacks since 2015. Such attacks targeted secular liberties such as freedom of expression. France has said no to such acts in recent years, and they are forced to take a hardcore on its values.

Many have gone on, which has been termed by France’s government as “Islamist terrorism.”

Debates about freedom of expression erupted after a teenager received death threats for attacking Islam in an expletive-laden Instagram rant.

This month, the division was seen when MPs walked out when a university student entered parliament in a headscarf.



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