Nigeria’s Plan for Assembling Solar Cars by 2020


To solve issues such as global warming and harsh climatic conditions, we need to adopt a green economy. This involves the use of natural resources like wind and sunlight for energy. Nigeria’s plan for assembling solar cars by 2020, is an initiative of its kind. This project aims at seeing that solar cars have penetrated the Nigerian markets by 2020. The eagerly waited solar-powered automobiles are eco-friendly and economical. At least that explains how safe for the environment they are. This is because they are made from natural resources and energy. So, they do not interfere with the ecosystem.

The cars generally use photovoltaic cells which convert sunlight into electricity. It is then used as energy to power up the vehicle. In the place of fuel that pollutes the environment in their counterparts, these cars are designed to use solar power. Apart from being an alternative source of energy, solar cars boost the automotive industry by creating many jobs. Automobiles need manufacturers, drivers, and mechanics. Most people can secure jobs with the onset of this project.

Benefits of solar-powered automobiles

Compared to the fuel-powered cars, solar ones have a wide range of benefits. They include;

  • – They have zero emissions since their electric motors do not emit gases. Thus, solar cars prevent air pollution and keep the environment clean. A friendly environment that is free from pollutants is an asset in this day and age.
  • – Nigeria’s plan for assembling solar cars by 2020 is a sure way of preserving natural resources. Though the vehicles require the use of energy and natural resources while manufacturing, they are quite economical. This is because no extra energy is needed in operating it.
  • Solar-powered cars will ease things. Most drivers’ biggest nightmare is the ever hiking fuel prices. You know what? Drivers of solar cars don’t have to worry about this. The only fuel consumption these cars would need is lubricating wheels and plastics used in replacing parts.
  • Also, these smart gadgets offer comfort in driving. In place of the bigger gas engines in their counterparts, these solar cars have smaller electric motors together with very few moving parts. Therefore, there’s usually no noise and vibrations while driving. As a result, a ride in this car becomes enjoyable, free from any distractions. It also gives it a lighter design that allows for fast-moving, turning, and stopping.

The solar-powered cars initiative is important to the people. Besides producing unique vehicles, it encourages Nigerians to embrace renewable or clean energy that is eco-friendly. By promoting the use of solar power, people can stop using fuels for their vehicles. As a result, they maintain a sustainable, green environment.

Plans for solar cars

Mr. Moses Onaja, Chief Executive Officer of the Sun Energy Community Development Initiative disclosed the plans that are underway.

“We want to promote the use of renewable energy products in Nigeria to promote a clean and healthy environment.” Renewable products are re-used thus not disposed of the environment. They include biogas, wind, and sunlight.

“What we want to do now is to start assembling solar cars in Nigeria. Let it not just be in China.” We need more “Made in Nigeria” cars.

“By the special grace of God, we want to see how we can work with the government to ensure that. We are hoping that in 2020 we should have the assembly point here.”


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