Nigeria’s Kidnapping And Insecurity Crisis Escalates.


Nigeria’s insecurity cases and kidnapping continue to be on the rise. The citizens blame the Nigerian government for its ineffectiveness and failure to protect its citizens. While our leaders debate about laws and policies, helpless Nigerians not only in South-West continue to perish. They kill, maim, and people preventing them from having their peace. Apart from those who experts in stealing oil from pipelines, some bandits make the rules in may villages and towns. Farming, livestock keeping have been widely affected. Entrepreneurs have abandoned their multi-million investments in fear if their lives. These kidnapping and insecurity cases have made Nigeria unbearable to most residents.

High levels of Insecurity and  Kidnapping

On a Sunday afternoon, just like any other, a woman and her two daughters are kidnaped from their homestead. A week later, the kidnappers reach out to the husband, Abeo, and ask for a ransom. The man is deeply troubled where he will get the money to free his family. His financial position makes him unable to pay the payment. Abeo reaches out for help from his friend to help him pay the ransom. Kidnapping is not an unusual scenario in Nigeria kidnapping of citizens continues to be on the rise. People live in fear due to increased insecurity cases in the vast country.

Image source: Arek Socha/

The governors of six states in Nigeria came up with their solution on this menace following government failure in resolving the issue. They plan to establish their security, which will be known as Amotekun, which means Leopard in the Yoruba language. How these groups will run has not been identified yet as the states are still finalizing their plans. They, however, intend to employ new security staff with the power to arrest.

Governors Suspected Of Plotting A Breakaway.

The diplomacy has provoked the nation’s authorities, and some accused the six states of planning to split from Nigeria, a country that has a population of 200 million. Nigeria has many ethnic groups; however, Yoruba is among the three main ethnolinguistic groups. To break the tension, the six governors organized to a meeting last week with Vice- President, Yemi Osinbajo and top police figures. However, this meeting did not end the controversy as people had expected. After the meeting, Rotimi Akeredolu, the governor of Ondo State who chairs the council of the six governors, confirmed that a deal had been struck.

He confirmed that the state would create enabling laws that will allow Amotekun to align with the national police initiatives. However, Afenifere, a cultural Yoruba group who are strong supporters of the government’s action, quickly opposed this agreement. They dismissed it, saying the federal government will not dictate how the South-west protects its people.

Others stated similar opinions on the issue, which had given opponents of what they view as a bumbling federal government at a rallying point.  Media stations both the popular and the unpopular had their input on this subject. Pages of newspapers secluded to feature the Amotekun story. Tv and radio stations continue to dominate this issue. Amotekun runs the headline or the first news bulletins in all Tv stations. This issue has fired up in social media since it came up.

The vigilante response.

Mr. Bola Tinubu, the most influential politician from South-West, who has an ambition of getting President Buhari’s support for him to contest in the net presidential election, was goaded into decision making. His arguments and speech seem to support both sides. Some residents’ comments on the matter have echoed distrust between the different regions in Nigeria. The Attorney General and Minister of Justice opposed the regional security outfit saying it is against the law.

“Amotekun is unconstitutional and illegal,” the minister declared.

Amidst all these political issues lives of people continue to be in danger day by day. Although residents feel like the police are not taking any action, they are periodically dealing with some of the gangs. The president ordered airstrikes against bandits and cattle rustlers in forested areas. Saying this is the best approach due to unmotorized roads.

In a few weeks, residents decided to take matters into their own hands. A mob in South-eastern burnt suspected kidnapper to death. In the capital of Abuja, another alleged kidnapper killed by a crowd, and when the police tried to intervene, they also vandalized his car. Nigeria needs an intervention by pulling all resources in agreement and tackling issues before more people perish.



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