Nationwide Uproar: Nigerians Rally Against Soaring Cost of Living


Nationwide Uproar: Nigerians Rally Against Soaring Cost of Living

In one of Nigeria’s major cities, Ibadan, disgruntled residents took to the streets on Monday, brandishing placards that carried messages like ‘end bad government now’ and ‘end hunger.’ The city witnessed large crowds marching through its center in a poignant display of discontent with the current state of affairs.

The alarming economic situation, exacerbated by soaring inflation rates, is the catalyst for these protests. Government statistics reveal that the inflation rate in January reached a staggering 29.9%, marking its highest point since 1996. The surge is primarily attributed to the escalating costs of food and non-alcoholic beverages, leaving the populace grappling with the harsh economic realities.

Sodiq, an artisan, expressed the prevailing sentiments among the protesters, stating, “This country is bleeding, this country is hard, this country is angry. People are suffering. No one can afford three square meals, even two square meals in our dear country today again. Inflation on all goods. Inflation of foods, inflation of cement, inflation of cloth, inflation of motors (cars), inflation of bikes, inflation of transportation from one point to another. That’s why we come out for a peaceful protest.”

Nigeria is currently grappling with one of its most severe economic crises, triggered by a surging inflation rate. The economic downturn follows monetary policies that have led to a significant devaluation of the local currency against the dollar, inciting widespread anger and protests nationwide.

Oilatan, a fashion designer, lamented, “Everything is expensive. There’s nothing we want to do in Nigeria with ease; we just hope things get better. Everything, even our parents are complaining, we too are complaining. People want to go to school but there’s no money, please help us beg President (Bola) Tinubu.”

Last year, Bola Tinubu’s government implemented reforms, including removing gas subsidies, which further strained incomes and savings. The subsequent free fall of the local currency added to the hardships faced by millions already grappling with adversity, sparking these poignant demonstrations for change.


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