More Education But Scarce Jobs: A Worrying Trend for the Millenials


Education serves as a critical pillar when it comes to the realization of a country’s development goals. This will promote skilled human resources hence an advanced human capital. As a result, economic growth and development become inevitable due to the readily available resources. This has seen many countries in the African continent, encouraging parents to equip their children with formal education. Other countries, if not most of the African countries have gone further to introduce free formal Education to its citizens. A decision that has been implemented successfully and currently has seen many youths graduate from higher learning institutions.

More Education with untapped skilled human capital

Educated yet jobless. A paradox that many youths in the current era are still struggling to come around with. Citing the sub-Saharan Africa region alone, 18 million jobs are supposed to be created annually. Yet only 3 million are brought to the table. The continent is flocked with scholars and literate graduates who are roaming around in the hopes of landing a formal job. But to no avail.

Consequently, the youth are being forced to settle on informal jobs in the hopes of one day landing a lucrative career. It certainly brings to light the higher dependency ratio on the youth in Africa as well. Moreover, this answers the big query as to why most of the migrations in the continent pertain to the youth. In the search for better jobs, the youth are seeking these opportunities in other continents.

Proposed alternatives for the youth

As it turns out, you need more than one skill to survive as a youth. The governments and people in authority are now putting measures in place to help secure the future generation. In so doing, they are soon introducing new skills that will help the youth to be able to fend for their needs. These skills include entrepreneurship, agriculture, vocational and technical skills.

The skills are designed to enable the youth to be less dependent on the governments to provide formal jobs. They will also be empowering the youth to create job opportunities. Not only for themselves but their fellow youths as well. And this also translates positively in realizing a stable economic state in their countries and the continent at large. Agriculture is a vast unexplored sector that can prove to be very useful to the youths.

Responsibility of the youths

Tapping in the now readily available technology to bring forth modernized mechanisms is the way to go. This encourages the youth to bring forth innovative ideas in bringing forth a modernized continent. It also suits them best as it jogs their freshly active minds. The youth ought to understand that it is in their hands to bring forth the change they require.

Fleeing to foreign countries to land a good job is good. After all, we all desire a stable life. But, it is not the right call to make. Dr. Graca Machels says;

“The youth need to get involved in making the African continent better. And this will only be possible if they take action and taking their place to bring the significant change needed for the continents own good.”

It is a prime time for the youths to stand on their feet and fight for the best.




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