Kenyan Doctors Reject President’s Appeal to End Strike: Dispute Continues

Kenyan Doctors Reject President's Appeal to End Strike
President Ruto urges doctors to live within their means

Kenyan Doctors Reject President’s Appeal to End Strike: Dispute Continues

Despite President William Ruto’s appeal, Kenyan doctors employed in public hospitals have remained steadfast in their decision not to return to work, prolonging a weeks-long strike that has severely impacted health services across the country.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union (KMPDU) initiated the strike on March 14, citing grievances such as unpaid salary arrears and government delays in deploying medical interns. These issues have underscored broader concerns within the medical community regarding working conditions and remuneration.

President Ruto addressed the striking doctors on Sunday, urging them to reconsider their position in light of the government’s fiscal constraints, emphasizing the need for financial prudence amid rising wage bills. However, the KMPDU remains resolute, emphasizing the significance of fair compensation for doctors and rejecting any compromises that compromise their welfare.

In response to President Ruto’s appeal, KMPDU Secretary-General Davji Atellah reaffirmed the union’s stance, asserting that doctors cannot afford to compromise on their salaries in the face of exploitation. Atellah emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of doctors’ contributions to the nation’s healthcare system, highlighting their essential role in safeguarding public health.

The ongoing strike highlights the deep-rooted challenges facing Kenya’s healthcare sector, including systemic issues related to funding, resource allocation, and labor relations. As the impasse continues, the government and medical professionals remain at odds, underscoring the urgent need for constructive dialogue and sustainable solutions to address the underlying grievances and ensure the delivery of quality healthcare services to all Kenyans.


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