Kenya, Kisumu Business Firm Reopens Operation to Make Ethanol


It is good news at the shows of Lake Victoria in Kisumu. This is after a firm that initially used to be an active manufacturer of various chemicals is finally fully active once more but this time to produce ethanol. The closure was as a result of a directive from the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) that claimed the firm was actively involved in the pollution of River Nyando. Ethanol is now a rare commodity in the country with the rise in the cases of the corona virus. Hand sanitizers are in high demand and this could be the reason why the firm is taking this direction. What could this mean for the people of Kisumu? The article herein entails some of the expected impacts of the new firm.

More jobs in the city

There is no doubt about this. The firm will ultimately look for more employees to facilitate the production of ethanol. It is good that these opportunities are coming at a time when most youths are jobless. Finally a chance is here to grab a job in an ethanol-production firm. With this, several youths are going to have a way of earning a living. This is a relief to most families that will depend on these jobs to survive.

A better fight against the Corona virus

The whole world is worried and Kenya is not left behind. Everyone is looking for the best hand sanitizers to ensure that they are safe from this deadly pathogen. With the reopening of the firm, the country is most likely to have more alcohol based sanitizers. This will mean that the sanitizers will be available to the public at a more affordable prices. With the capacity to produce thousands of liters a day, the country is safer

From the statistics provided by various world organizations, covid-19 has proven to be one of the most feared disease. Killing several people worldwide, most people are today facing economic crises with most businesses being shut down. This explains why there is need to be actively involved in ethanol production to ensure that there is safety.

More pollution?

Whereas most people are happy about the reopening of the firm, the biggest worry is on those who love the environment. Water is life and we are all certain about this. With polluted water, almost everything is going to die. What does this mean in case all the effluents from the firm will be directed into the river? Kisumu lies along the shores of the great Lake Victoria and in case there will be wastes directed to the rivers around then the lake is going to be in a mess. All the fish in the lake may die and this may be another big threat to food security in the country.

The National Environmental Management Authority is out to ensure the environment is safe and that all creature enjoys their stay. Still there is need that even as the firm reopens, better waste management solutions are developed to ensure ecosystem balance.


Much is expected from the new firm. However, this will only come to pass if there are better measures to curb any pollution cases. NEMA should thus be at the frontline to ensure that even as the firm reopens, actions are taken against any neglect of the environment.






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