International Outcry as Ghana Introduces New Anti-LGBTQ Legislation

International Outcry as Ghana Introduces New Anti-LGBTQ

International Outcry as Ghana Introduces New Anti-LGBTQ

Controversy surrounds Ghana’s recently passed bill titled “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values.” The legislation, which has been in the works for three years, has sparked criticism both domestically and internationally, particularly for its impact on the LGBTQ+ community.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk expressed concern, stating that the bill broadens criminal sanctions against LGBTQ+ individuals and threatens penalties for allies of the community. In Accra, some Ghanaians agree that the bill is excessively punitive, with one entrepreneur advocating for a more understanding approach that respects individual decisions.

Civil society organizations, such as the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) Ghana, view the bill as unnecessary and infringing on individual rights. The legislation criminalizes public displays of affection among LGBTQ+ individuals and disbands existing LGBTQ+ groups. The CDD Ghana’s Chairperson asserted that the bill should be challenged in court against the constitution, emphasizing that any legislation must conform to constitutional principles.

Under the newly passed bill, individuals convicted of violating its provisions could face up to a decade in prison. The severity of the penalties has prompted legal challenges, with reports indicating that the CDD and the Human Rights Coalition have petitioned the Supreme Court. The United Nations has also urged Ghana’s President, Nana Akufo Addo, not to sign the bill into law.

The debate over the bill reflects broader discussions about human rights, individual freedoms, and societal attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community in Ghana. As the bill awaits the president’s decision, there is anticipation regarding whether it will be enacted into law and the potential ramifications for the affected individuals and advocacy groups.



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