Flood is a natural disaster that could have a great impact on a nation’s economy and people. Intense Rain is one thing that can trigger flood but not at this time of the year. It is questionable when an extreme flood occurs at a time when there should be lesser rains. Kenya is greatly affected by this flooding, homes have been demolished, crops are destroyed, and roads have been washed off. The washing aware of the structure of the region is making the job difficult for the relief team, especially in remote areas. A flood could have happened at any other time within the year, especially during heavy rainfalls because of the raining season. We are aware of the climatic change, which is resulting in Drought in some region, but having an intense flood now, one is forced to as if this is global warming? Rains are expected to continue in South Sudan, Somalia, and Kenya for the next four to six weeks.
Reason Behind Intense Flooding
The law of physics says, “a warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor and therefore has the potential to produce more rain. But the effect of a warmer world on East Africa during the raining season is unclear. Weather experts say the rain has been enhanced by a phenomenon called the Indian Ocean Dipole, which could cause a rise of about 2C in water temperatures of the Indian Ocean. This results in higher evaporation off the East African Coastline, which later falls inland as water. Warming in the Western Indian Ocean relates to a positive IOD, which leads to enhanced rainfall across some parts of East Africa and droughts across Australia. This increase in precipitation variability will occur at different temporal scales from ranging from an intra to interannual scales of extreme precipitation events.
Flood Control Measures
No disaster would be allowed to wipe out the existence of men; hence, measures are always taken to reduce or stop disaster risk. Although the next rainy season is March to May, there may be some rain in January and February. However, the following can be done to prevent future flooding;
- Pre-planning can go a long way to curtail the impact of a flood. And introducing a useful technology that would improve the flood warning system.
- Construction of buildings in modified ways to withstand flood such as building above flood level.
- Climate change has contributed to a lot of disasters so, this should be tackled.
- People should be trained as flood officials, and measures should be taken to protect wetlands like introducing forestation.
- Set up flood-barriers. http://independent.co.uk
Impact Of Intense Flood In East Africa
The natural disaster has causes tones of negative impact on its victim as many are in pain and lack. It has left many displaced and in need of humanitarian assistance. Kenya has experienced hard hits that resulted in riverine and flash floods, mudslides, and landslides, which have affected many. Uganda and Tanzania have also been affected, and a few lives have been lost to flood. The flood has left many lives and livelihoods upended.
There are a few things you could do for safety purpose when there is a Flood, they include;
- Avoid walking or driving in flood water
- Avoid touching electricity while in flood water
- Wash your hand thorough if you touch floodwater because they can contain sewage and other unhealthy things.
- Move to a high place, especially one that allows you to escape.