How do we Boost the Lives of the Youths in Africa


Youths in Africa take up nearly 20% of the world’s total youth population. While this is, 90% of the young people in Africa live in low-income countries, according to the African Development Bank Group. This makes Africa lag behind in terms of development as tons of youths engage in drug abuse and crime. African leaders, as well as humanitarian organizations, ought to come together and support the young generation. The following are four workable solutions that can boost the lives of the Youths in Africa.

  1. Offer Adequate Schools and Skills to Youths in Africa

51% of schools going kids in Africa drop out before they attain the age of 14 years, as noted by the Youth Policy Organization. The best way out of poverty for any economy is to have a well-trained young generation.

Humanitarian organizations and African governments ought to partner to build and equip learning institutions for the sake of youths. Still, there should be mechanisms to subsidize school fees to enable even those in the low-income bracket to afford education.

  1. Reform the Criminal Justice System for the Sake of Youths in Africa

Loads of youths end up in incarceration for crimes they never committed. Not to mention, some communities lynch petty youth criminals instead of letting the law take its course. It leads to the deaths of energetic young people supposed to help in building the continent.

When youths die or end up behind bars, their young families suffer both emotionally and financially. Also, there are significant collateral consequences as people with criminal records face obstacles getting employment or building their credit score.

Africa governments should reform the criminal justice system to make sure prisons don’t fill up with petty lawbreakers. Policymakers ought to formulate alternative means to punish such offenders. Creating educational forums would be helpful to ensure the young generation apprehends the importance and ways of toeing the law. Additionally, authorities should abolish some of the barriers to ex-convicts to help them rebuild their lives and seek employment.

  1. Establish work Schemes that favor the youths

In Sub Saharan Africa, 72% of young people depend on less than $2 a day to survive. In the last decade, there has been little to no income growth among many young people in Africa. Most of the continent’s wealth goes into the pockets of greedy political leaders through corrupt means. Also, the lack of proper employment guidelines makes companies manipulate youths and offer them low payment rates.

Africa governments should fix these glitches if, at all, they want to reduce poverty levels and bolster up the lives of the youths. Gender-equality paid leave and paid sick days should apply across the board to motivate and make youths more productive. Furthermore, authorities should formulate mechanisms to help youths venture into business in Africa or enter the job market.

  1. Provide Affordable Health Services

Mediocre and expensive health services contribute immensely to the well-being of a continent’s economy. HIV and AIDS, Malaria, and Cancer are the leading causes of death in Africa. In 2018 alone, an estimated 770,000 people died from HIV and AIDS, as reported by the UNAIDS.

If hospitals don’t have adequately skilled personnel, equipment, and drugs, people die or opt to fly abroad for treatment. As for the youths who often don’t have money, illnesses make them unproductive and unable to develop their lives.

African government agencies should create or expand public health insurance schemes to make hospitals more accessible and affordable to youths. The World Economic Forum recommends the formation of public-private partnerships, skilling doctors, and utilizing technology efficiently.

The youths’ population is set to grow by close to 42% by 3020.  Unemployment may double this number if proper actions aren’t put in place. To help boost the lives of the youths in Africa, leaders ought to come up with policies and pump in more resources into youth programs. Governments should also expand opportunities for marginalized young people. Companies should comply with laws and regulations and reduce oppression.




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