Google to Buy Stakes in Africa’s biggest Wind Project


Turkana Windfarm is the biggest in Africa. It is worth close to $1 Billion. This farm is projected to increase the production of renewable energy in Kenya. One of the fast-growing economies in the region. Google to buy stakes in Africa’s biggest wind project, is a remarkable move in development.

Google has accepted to purchase 12.5% equity in the wind farm project. It will do this from Danish Wind Turbine producer Vestas Wind Systems  A/S.

The Plans Underway

The firm has disclosed that Google will pay an undisclosed amount when the project is completed. The facility has a power output of 310 Megawatt. On top of that, it is run by Turkana Wind Power Ltd. It aims at producing 1.4 Terawatts hours of power each year. This is an equivalent of approximately 15% of Kenya’s power needs. It is based on the current generation capacity, according to Vestas.

Vestas is committed to this project primarily because of its economic viability. Besides that, it has the potential to make a big power contribution to Kenya’s power grid. This will spur growth in the renewable sector is one of the rapidly growing economies. This is according to John Woolard, Google Vice president for Energy. Google to buy stakes in Africa’s biggest wind project, is one of the developmental goals.

The project was once brought to a halt when the World Bank withdrew its support. Eventually, it received a life-line when the African Development bank chipped in. The Project with 365 turbines is the country’s largest single private-sector investment, and the other stakeholders include KP&P Africa, Aldwych International Ltd, and the Finnish Fund for  Industrial  Cooperation Limited. The Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries and Denmark’s Industrial Fund for Developing Countries are also major players.

How much will the project cost

The private and public sector joint venture project will cost nearly 8 billion. As a result, it will offer the infrastructure that Africa requires for it to realize its full economic potential.

The economic growth in this part of Africa is about 5% per annum in the last decade, says the World Bank. Increased energy production will spur economic growth. Vestas is happy to provide the technology and service for a project. Sure enough, it will be one of the most efficient wind farms in the world when it’s completed.

Google has invested nearly $2 Billion in 22 green energy projects in Africa. Some of them are a solar farm in South Africa. This report was given by Rick Needham, the director of sustainability. The company foresees a vibrant market for the renewable energy produced in this region and reduced reliance on fossil fuels.

Google and Vesta have together done other projects. They include the 270 Megawatt  Alta Wind  Energy Center in California, USA. They have also jointly worked on a project that powers a Google data center in Finland. Hence, Google to buy stakes in Africa’s biggest wind project will be a step to development. Eventually, Africa will be a hub of economic activities due to such huge investments.


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