Gaudentia Aura, Former miss Kenya is Dead.


Gaudentia Aura, former miss world Kenya and Kenya’s first woman pilot is dead. She was a model in her youthful days and worked with various companies for various products including Unilever’s Lux beauty soap. She was the first African woman to be selected to appear on the wrapper and billboards of Lux beauty soap.

Besides being a model, Aura excelled in other spheres like the aviation industry where she became the first Kenyan female pilot.

According to Celestine Aura, her sister, Gaudentia breathed her last on Monday night, February 24th.


Gaudentia Aura, first female Kenyan pilot

Gaudentia was very bright and sharp and as a result led to her becoming the first female pilot in Kenya. She also worked for Scandinavian Airlines as a stewardess. Seems like she truly had beauty with brains.

Consequently she became the star of African Heritage shows and for this reason, she traveled a lot around Europe.

Nonetheless, she was unable to handle the excitement and enticements that accompanied the good life. She, therefore, lost her Lux contract and from there, things seem to have gone south.


How she will be remembered

As a result of her death, the sister took to her Facebook page and mourned her.

She wrote, “It is with deep sorrow, I mean sorrow upon sorrow that you went to be with the Lord this morning. Our hearts are hardened to this truth. Would it be a dream? The first female African pilot, miss Kenya, the princess model, the Lux girl, smart, the queen’s English material, a lady of fashion. You can’t be in that cold place pretty.”

“I don’t know how to mourn you. Gaudentia Aurah the African queen…death has robbed us …we are here in grief and disbelief…LORD HOLD MY HAND IN THIS,” she captioned.

Similarly family and friend mourned her as an intelligent woman. A lady who was fearless in pursuing her heart’s desires and who would break the glass ceiling in any field.

Tobia Omono also posted, “it is with a very heavy and inconsolable heart that the Wanga Kingdom mourns the death of one Gaudentia Aura.”


 Things you didn’t know about her.

  • She was the first only African model
  • Miss Aura was a singer and dancer
  • She was the only African face modeling for Unilever products
  •  The first female Kenyan pilot
  • she modeled for Kenyan designed clothing in Europe.
  • Gaudentia was the star of African Heritage and shows that traveled around the world
  • She also was a member of Friends church located along Ngong Road


Before her demise, Gaudentia Aura was a member of the Friends Church, Ngong Road. She was trying to amend with God.Likewise she had become a very devout woman who valued her faith in Christ hence we can say that she is now in a better place. May God help her family and friends as they go through this difficult moment and may her soul rest in peace.



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