Gabon Celebrates Its 60th Year of Independence


There is nothing as fulfilling and great as a country ruling itself and handling its operations effectively. Most African states have fought for their independence from their colonizers to gain control of their countries. Citizens expect that the government will drive a particular country in the right direction. However, some African states seem to be worse after achieving their independence.

A country such as South Africa did not chase away all the white people. This might be the secret behind their great developments and a highly industrialized state. Recently Gabon was celebrating their 60 years of independence from its colonizers. The head of the state addressed some concerns about the country.

The History of Gabon

Between 1838 and 1841, France formed a territory over the coastal areas of Gabon through agreements with the coastal heads. American missionaries formed a mission station at the Komo river in 1842. In 1849, the French rulers caught a slave ship and released the captives. The French authorities freed the prisoners near the station where they formed a settlement known as Libreville.

France inhabited Gabon in 1885. However, it did not run the country until in 1903. 7 years later, Gabon was one of the four protectorates of French Equatorial Africa. On 15th July 1960, France agreed with the country becoming fully independent. A month later, Gabon became an independent state.

COVID-19 Hinders Traditional Celebrations

As Gabon was celebrating its biggest day, people could not celebrate the day as they used to. This is because of the coronavirus pandemic that caused many governments to ban social gatherings to curb the spread. However, the country did not fail to celebrate their independence. There was a simple nationalistic show to follow the traditional presidential address.

President Ali Bongo acknowledged the predecessors and summarized national economic projects on the way.

What Ali Bongo Addressed on that Day

The President mentioned a few concerns in the country. Among them were the Gabonese population, the state of roads, challenges on joblessness, and the health and education systems. He mentioned a road network project which runs more than 750km and which contractors will complete 3 years from now. President Ali did not forget to mention the progress in improving the healthcare system over the last decade.

Joseph Tonda’s View on Relationship Between France and Gabon

Joseph is a sociologist and a lecturer at Omar Bongo University. He says:

“People know that President Leon Mba is the one who demanded not independence but departmentalization from France. That idea which resulted from such a founding act has continued to haunt relations between France and Gabon.”

Alain Explains Reasons Behind Store Isles Loaded with Food

Alain Rempanot is an advisor to the SECAGADIS supermarket group. The advisor is trying to reflect the economic situation of Gabon in feeding its people as it marks 60 years of independence.

The advisor says:

“France is Gabon’s 1st partner. Naturally, it was France that we turned to when we had to bring consumer goods to the Gabonese people. This is because our local production is still low and we are working on it.”

The Country’s Economic Situation in Feeding Its Citizens

The country imports food from the neighboring states. Europe and Latin America provide frozen meat whereas Thailand provides rice. The country spends over 355 billion Central African CFA Francs yearly on food importation. This is economically incapacitating.



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