G20: SA’s Finance minister on Pretoria’s stance on the war in Ukraine


The G20 CFO meetings (February 24-25) should cover concerns, among others. Concerns such as digital currencies and payments, reform of organisations like the World Bank, climate change and financial inclusion. Nonetheless, tensions relating to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict have risen.

As the final declaration offered by the G20 met resistance from Russia and China, the chairmen of the meetings published a summary and a final document instead of a communiqué.

On Saturday, the South African finance minister reacted on the talks at a summit meeting in Bangalore, India.

“I think that at each of these sessions the major area of disagreement has always been a discussion of how to shape the Ukrainian-Russian situation”; remarked Enoch Godongwana.

“The President has found a comfortable position to deal with this challenge by accepting that most of the countries he is in and what the difference to other countries is.


Since Ukrainian violence began a year ago, Pretoria has been neutral. Westerners dispute South Africa’s attitude. On February 17, South Africa began military exercises with Russia and China. Negotiated equivalent job.

Criticizing the naval exercises, he said: “It had been prepared well before the war.”

“Our contacts with Russia and our friendship have existed for a long time and still continue. Does this inevitably indicate that we are supporting the war? I would say no We do not discuss with other countries whether Russia was right or wrong. The proposed response is where we differ.”

The G20 consists of the United States, Brazil, Russia, and other nations with commercial and historical ties to Moscow, such as India and South Africa.

Friday, February 234th, the United Nations General Assembly decided to “condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine” and to request its “return.”

Twenty-two of the 32 countries that remained neutral and abstained were African.


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