Famine Engulfs War-Torn Sudan, Warns WHO

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Amidst the ongoing political unrest in Sudan, a humanitarian catastrophe of unparalleled proportions has broken out. The population is in a state of extreme distress due to the conflict that broke out in April 2023 between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The nation is on the verge of collapse due to massive famine, sickness, and displacement. The world’s focus is woefully inadequate, given the gravity of the crisis. Doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, chief of the WHO, has pleaded with the global community to act quickly.

A Country Plagued by Hunger and Uprooting
The tragic effects of the civil conflict in Sudan have left millions of people homeless and without food, water, and shelter. With over 12 million people already displaced, Sudan currently has the world’s worst displacement problem. During his journey to Sudan, Dr. Tedros voiced serious worries about the humanitarian crisis and the rising hunger in an interview with the BBC’s Today program.

“Imagine: destruction, displacement, diseases everywhere, and now famine,” Dr. Tedros stated during the interview, describing the dire situation on the ground quite clearly. He brought attention to the fact that half of Sudan’s population, or around 25 million people, are in critical need of humanitarian aid. Because of how bad things are, the UN has declared famine in certain areas of the nation, especially in places like Darfur, where fighting has been worse.

The Human Cost of Global Starvation
While visiting an IDP camp, Dr. Tedros saw firsthand the hardships endured by the people of Sudan. Children he saw were “skin and bone, emaciated” from extreme starvation, as he put it. As a result of food shortages and dwindling supplies of potable water, these images illustrate the worsening famine problem in Sudan. As a direct result of the war’s disruption of food production, supply systems, and humanitarian relief operations, the famine has emerged as an unfortunate outcome of the conflict.

Famine in Sudan, hitting hundreds of thousands in the war-torn Darfur area in particular, is one of the worst in recent memory, say experts. The continuing violence and instability have made the situation worse for more than half a million displaced people in the area, who are at risk of famine, according to the United Nations.

For What Reasons Nobody Is Paying Attention
However serious the situation in Sudan is, Dr. Tedros said that it has received remarkably little attention from throughout the world. Conflicts in Africa frequently get less international attention and funding than those in other parts of the world, and he said that this is due, in part, to racial issues.

“I believe that racial factors are involved here,” Dr. Tedros commented. The pattern is clearly apparent to us… The level of attention is really low, particularly in Africa.

Dr. Tedros has previously brought attention to the fact that different countries react differently to humanitarian disasters. He voiced his disapproval of the disproportionate response to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine in comparison to other problems, including those in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Syria.

How the Media Failed to Cover the Crisis
The international world has been sluggish in responding to the situation in Sudan, and one reason for this is the absence of media coverage. The situation in Sudan is being ignored, according to Dr. Tedros, who pleaded with mainstream media to bring more attention to the “tragedy” there. He stressed that the world community would not feel compelled to respond if the issue did not receive enough coverage in the media.

Previous humanitarian crises have shown the globe that this underreporting is a major concern. Inadequate funding for relief operations threatens the lives of millions of people unless the issue is widely publicized. For millions of refugees and hungry people in Sudan, this might be a matter of life and death.

The Conflict’s Origins: A Struggle for Power
Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan’s Sudanese army and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo’s paramilitary RSF were at odds over control of the country, which led to the civil war in Sudan. In 2021, the two leaders worked together to topple Sudan’s transitional government in a coup. Nevertheless, by 2023, tensions had grown between them to the point of outright warfare.

Foreign parties have been drawn into this internal strife, making peace attempts more difficult. While the UAE denies the claims, it has been said that the UAE has provided military and financial support to the RSF. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, maintains strong relations to the government of Sudan and has been instrumental in mediating the ceasefire negotiations.

The ongoing violence in Sudan has persisted despite efforts to broker peace by Saudi Arabia and the United States through mediation.

An Unforgivable Tragic Event
The war in Sudan and its aftermath are a sobering reminder of the human cost of war. Worldwide, people must rise up and take action against the starvation and displacement that are impacting millions of people. The world must pay attention to and help Sudan because it is its responsibility, as Dr. Tedros emphasized.


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