Families Urge Release of South Africans Imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea

Families Urge Release of South Africans Imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea
Frik and Peter campaign/Facebook Frik Potgieter (R) and Peter Huxham (L) have been sentenced to 12 years in prison

Frik Potgieter (54 years old) and Peter Huxham (55 years old) are two South African engineers whose families are frantically trying to get them released from prison in Equatorial Guinea. The men, who were detained in February of last year on what their families maintain are baseless accusations, are now at the center of an intensifying international conflict.

Detention and Claims

The engineers were apprehended by the authorities following allegations that they had discovered narcotics in their bags. This detention came soon after the seizure of vice president Teodore Nguema Obiang of Equatorial Guinea’s opulent possessions in South Africa. A yacht and two homes in Cape Town were among the assets that were confiscated in accordance with a court decision. The homes are still detained, even though the yacht was returned.

Sentence and Prosecution

Both Potgieter and Huxham were working for an oil and gas firm when they were arrested. Their loved ones claim that their relatives are politically motivated and that the accusations against them are without merit. They claim that the two individuals are being unfairly implicated in a diplomatic dispute between Equatorial Guinea and South Africa.

Freedom Movement

The relatives of the arrested engineers have taken it upon themselves to launch a change.org petition in which they affirm their innocence and call for immediate action. Because Mr. Huxham is a dual citizen of both South Africa and the United Kingdom, the campaign has gained traction and is demanding that their respective governments take action.

Engagement of the Government

While visiting Equatorial Guinea last month, South Africa’s foreign minister Naledi Pandor voiced his worries about the incarceration and addressed the problem. According to the families, there has been no real improvement since the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation brought up the subject of continuing engagements between the two nations.

Negotiations and Legal Actions

The engineers each received a $5 million fine and a 12-year prison term in June of last year. Rumor has it that they are in a Mongomo jail in Equatorial Guinea’s eastern region, which is usually used for political prisoners. According to Shaun Murphy, who represents the families, the purpose of the arrests is to put pressure on South Africa to release the vice president’s properties.

An appeal has been filed by the attorneys representing the families, who have criticized the proceedings and the harshness of the punishments as being unfair.

Urge Your Response

The families’ ongoing calls for help and justice highlight the importance of mounting global pressure to free the engineers. Their suffering calls attention to the human cost of diplomatic disputes and the intricate relationship between political maneuvering and individual rights. No one knows what will happen in this case, but the families are fighting for justice anyhow.


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