Expert Advice on Five Life Lessons to Teach Kids While Self-isolating


Life Lessons to Teach kids While Self-isolating.

Due to the outbreak of the novel virus, schools across countries have been closed. Most especially to control the spread of the contagion. As a result, parents are left to acting teachers. This article gives detailed life lessons to teach kids while self-isolating.

As such, they engage their children in productive activities other than just studies. However, acting teachers is not a walk in the park, it involves a lot of commitment. Nonetheless, some parents view the additional family time as an opportunity to educate their children on life skills not taught in school. According to Dr. Kathryn, CEO of Tooled Up Education, an individual needs to comprehend the interests of different children. That marks the starting point.


Unexpected phenomena like coronavirus pandemic seem to trigger emotional feelings such as anxiety. It is at such times we expect parents to be resilient. Significantly, they need to control their feeling, especially before their children.

“Parents have to model a sense of hope and positivity, as hard as what is,”

Weston said, explaining that teaching children this emotional resilience can help them learn the areas of life they can control in uncertain times.

“We can control our attitude, we can control our levels of kindness that we show others, we can control our spending, we can control our consumption, we can control all of those things,” she said.

Weston also said it is important to teach children about showing appreciation helps them look at challenges optimistically.


Ultimate training ground.

Weston said parents could use this period to provide their kids with an ultimate training ground. Providing them with an opportunity to learn life skills which they could then apply later in the future. Restrictions are the only measure that can help control the spreading of the virus. Hence people have to be disciplined to help curb the virus. For instance, governments have reinstated curfews limiting the hours people stay outside. Some shops are also rationing certain products to prevent hoarding. Since amid the fear some people are stockpiling.

Ultimate ground training helps the children at home learn how to budget during crises. As such there is no extravagant use of supplies, they know about rationing. Weston also suggests sewing, knitting, and gardening as extra skills that may help children become self-reliant.

Positive messages about money.

Dan Scholey, director of the money management app, Money hub urged parents not to underestimate their children’s ability to understand finances. It is best to engage them in money matters, asking them how many coins make up an amount. It is important not to let them be misguided by stereotypes wasting money.

Learn from older generations.

Although it seems weird talking to children about pensions, they can learn a lot about saving from older people. Children being exposed enables them to acquire knowledge that they may use. One can speak to a retiree to learn lots of money lessons.

Online safety.

Weston says since this is the time most children spend time indoors it is best to enlighten them about online safety. She says since most of the time the children will be online it is wise to teach them how to navigate the digital world safely. Parents could also help their kids connect with the digital world entrepreneurs Especially since most teenagers know how to create a website and, YouTube channels they could use them positively.



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