EU, AU, and US Issue Joint Statement on Sudan War and Somalia-Ethiopia Tensions


EU, AU, and US Issue Joint Statement on Sudan War and Somalia-Ethiopia Tensions

In a joint statement on Thursday, the African Union (AU), the European Union (EU), and the United States called for an immediate cease-fire and constructive dialogue between conflicting parties in Sudan. The call comes as Sudan’s armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces have been engaged in violent confrontations since April, resulting in widespread displacement and disruption of education for millions of children.

The international groups, speaking after a meeting in Kampala, Uganda, highlighted the urgent need to cease hostilities in Sudan, emphasizing the humanitarian crisis resulting from the conflict. Michael Hammer, the U.S. special envoy for the Horn of Africa, urged Sudanese factions to adhere to international humanitarian law and fulfill commitments to halt the fighting, emphasizing the responsibility of Sudanese leaders to prevent the country’s breakup.

The joint statement also addressed escalating tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia over an agreement between Ethiopia and the breakaway region of Somaliland. The deal, signed on January 1, grants Ethiopia access to the Red Sea through Somaliland, potentially leading to the recognition of Somaliland’s independence. The AU, EU, and U.S. emphasized the importance of recognizing Somalia’s sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, expressing concern that the dispute could undermine efforts to combat al-Qaida-linked militants in Somalia.

Annette Weber, the EU special envoy for the Horn of Africa, stressed the common link between the two crises through the Red Sea, a critical waterway for global cargo transportation. She also called for a collective response among Horn of Africa countries against attacks on ships by Yemen-based Houthi rebels. The joint statement underlines the gravity of the situations in Sudan and the Horn of Africa, emphasizing the need for international cooperation and dialogue to address the root causes of the conflicts and restore stability in the region.


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